# Lecture 8 :::{.question} Is this representation $\pi$ smooth, admissible, and irreducible? ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} Let $B(K) \da \ts{\matt * * 0 * \in \GL_2(K)} \leq \GL_2(K)$, then there is a decomposition into upper triangular and integer matrices: \[ \GL_2(K) = B(K) \cdot \GL_2(\OO_K) \da \ts{ bg \st b\in B(K), g\in \GL_2(\OO_K)} .\] ::: :::{.remark} Why this is useful: $\GL_2(\OO_K)$ is compact, so locally constant functions $\phi: \GL_2(\OO_K)\to \CC$ will only take finitely many values (using that continuous images of compact sets are compact and compact subsets of discrete spaces are finite). So $\phi(\GL_2(\OO_K))$ is a finite set, and $\phi(B(K))$ is controlled by $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$. ::: :::{.proof title="Specializing a proof for $\GL_n$"} Let $\gamma \da \matt a b c d\in \GL_2(K)$, then we want to produce $\beta, \kappa$ with $\gamma = \beta\kappa$. - Without loss of generality $\gamma\in \SL_2(K)$ by left-multiplying by $\matt{ (\det \gamma)\inv} 0 0 1\in B(K)$. - Without loss of generality, $c, d\in \OO_K$ and at least one is a unit: To scale $c,d$, choose $\alpha\in K\units$ so that $ac,ad\in \OO_K$ and at least one is in $\OO_K\units$ since not both of $c,d$ are zero. Left-multiply by $\matt{\alpha\inv} 0 0 {\alpha}\in B(K)$ to send $c\to \alpha c, d\to\alpha d$. - Without loss of generality, $c\in \OO_K\units$. If $d \in \OO_K\units$ and $c\not\in \OO_K\units$, right-multiply by $\matt 0 {-1} 1 0\in \SL_2(\OO_K)$ to swap $c, d$ - Check $\matt 1 {-a/c} 0 1 \cdot \matt a b c d = \matt{0}{-1/c}{c}{d} \in \GL_2(\OO_K)$, noting that the first matrix is in $B(K)$. ::: :::{.remark} More generally, for $\GL_n$ the Weyl group $S_n$ is involved. ::: :::{.exercise title="A really good one."} Show that $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ is smooth and admissible. ::: :::{.observation} The norm term in $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ is a fudge factor, and \[ \norm{a\over d}^{1\over 2} = {\norm a ^{1\over 2}\over \norm d ^{1\over 2}} .\] One could redefine \[ \tilde\chi_1(x) &\da \chi_1(x) \norm{x}^{-{ 1\over 2} } \\ \tilde\chi_2(x) &\da \chi_2(x) \norm{x}^{1\over 2} \] to make the formula read \[ \phi \matt a b c d g = \tilde \chi_1(a) \tilde \chi_2(d)\phi(g) .\] ::: :::{.warnings} The fudge factor is needed here: taking the trivial characters will yield a subspace of constant functions in $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ when the $\chi_i$ are trivial reps. When $\chi_1 = \chi_2$, there is an invariant 1-dimensional subrepresentation, and is thus not irreducible. ::: :::{.remark title="on group representations"} Recall that for $H\leq G\in \Grp$ with $[G:H] < \infty$, one can induce $H\dash$representations to $G\dash$representations. If $\chi$ is a character of $H$, then $\Ind_H^G \chi$ is a character of $G$. If $\chi$ is trivial, its induction will be unlikely to be irreducible since it contains the 1-dimensional trivial representation. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $\chi_1/\chi_2 = \norm{\wait}_K^{\pm 2}$, then the naive definition of $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ admits a 1-dimensional quotient. ::: :::{.remark} What's really going on with $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$: the pair $(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ is a 1-dim representation $\psi$ of $B$, and we're writing down an explicit model for $\Ind_B^{\GL_2} \psi$. Moreover there is a pairing involving an integral on $G$ and $B$ with respect to a Haar measure: \[ I(\chi_1, \chi_2) \times I(\chi_1\inv, \chi_2\inv) \to \CC .\] Where the fudge factor comes from: at some point one changes a left Haar measure to a right one, and there is a fudge factor of $\norm{a/d}$, so one splits it between the two terms to yield a duality $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)\dual \cong I(\chi_1\inv, \chi_2\inv)$. ::: :::{.fact} $I(\chi_1, \chi_2)$ is irreducible if $\chi_1/\chi_2 \neq \norm{\wait}^{\pm 1}$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} If $\chi_1/\chi_2 = \norm{\wait}^{- 1}$, show that there is a 1-dimensional representation $\Psi$ of $\GL_2(K)$ given by $(\chi_1 \cdot \norm{\wait}^{1\over 2})\circ \det$ fitting into a SES \[ 0\to \psi \to I(\chi_1, \chi_2) \to S(\chi_1, \chi_2) \to 0 ,\] where $S$ is irreducible. If instead $\chi_1/\chi_2 = \norm{\wait}^{1}$, then there is a SES \[ 0 \to S(\chi_1, \chi_2) \to I(\chi_1, \chi_2)\to (\chi_2 \cdot \norm{\wait}^{1\over 2})\circ \det \to 0 .\] ::: :::{.remark} We've induced characters to get reps of $\GL_2(K)$, how do we get more? An observation due to Weil: if $K$ is any field, \[ \gens{ T \da \matt t 0 0 {t\inv}, U\da \matt 1 u 0 1, \matt 0 {-1} 1 0 \st \cdots} \cong \SL_2(K) ,\] where there are some explicit relations. So we can cook up $\SL_2(K)$ reps by specifying these generators and checking that the relations hold. Note that $\GL_2(K)$ is an extension of $\SL_2(K)$ by an abelian group, so this can be used to construct $\GL_2$ reps. ::: :::{.remark} A large source of $\SL_2(K)$ and hence $\GL_2(K)$ reps: let $\SL_2(K) \actson L^2(K; \CC)$ by \[ (Tf)(x) &= f(tx) \\ (Uf)(x) &= f(u+x) \\ (Wf)(x) &= \hat{f}(x) ,\] i.e. $W$ acts by the Fourier transform and is given by an explicit integral. ::: :::{.fact} From Jacquet-Langlands: if - $L/K$ is a quadratic extension, - $\chi: L\units\to\CC\units$ is admissible, - $\chi \neq \chi \circ \sigma$ for any nontrivial $\sigma\in\Gal(L/K)$ (i.e. $\chi$ is not its own Galois conjugate), Jacquet-Langlands construct an irreducible infinite-dimensional representation of $\GL_2(K)$ using $L^2(L)$ and Fourier transforms. We'll call this representation $\mathrm{BC}_L^K(\psi)$, for *base change*. ::: :::{.fact} We have a collection of infinite-dimensional smooth admissible irreducible representations of $\GL_2(K)$. - $I(\chi_1, \chi_2) \cong I(\chi_2, \chi_1)$ which is irreducible when $\chi_1/\chi_2 \neq \norm{\wait}^{\pm 1}$ - $S(\chi, \chi\cdot \norm{\wait})$ - $\mathrm{BC}_L^K(\psi)$. Moreover, for $\characteristic \kappa_K = p > 2$, these exhaust all such representations. For $p=2$, there are exceptional representations. So we know all possibilities for $\pi$. ::: :::{.warnings} The obvious representations of $\GL_2(K)$ like the 2-dimensional representation $K_\disc\cartpower{2}$ work, due to the \(p\dash \)adic topology -- the usual action has stabilizers which are closed but not open. The only finite-dimensional representations are of the form $\chi \circ \det$ for $\chi: K\units\to\CC\units$ a character. :::