# Lecture 13 :::{.remark} For $\sigma\in \Field(K, \CC)$, we define an equivalence relation by $\sigma \sim (z\mapsto \bar z)\circ \sigma$, and get equivalence classes of size exactly 1 or 2. The point of this: such embeddings induce the same norm. The equivalence classes are the **infinite places** and we sometimes write $v\divides \infty$. We saw that \[ K_\infty \da \bigoplus _{v\divides \infty} K\complete v \cong K\tensor_\QQ \RR .\] ::: :::{.example title="?"} An example of the above isomorphism, in the simplest example for which we know nearly nothing about the GLC for $\GL_2(K)$, namely $K = \QQ(2^{1\over 3})$. For elliptic curves over CM or totally real fields, one can hope to prove potential modularity and there are statement for $\GL_n$ over such fields, but here $K$ is neither CM nor totally real. Given a random elliptic curve $E/K$ here, the chances of proving it is modular are virtually zero! In this case, note that $x^3-2$ is irreducible over $\QQ$ by Eisenstein, or by passing to the local extensions $\QQ_2(2^{1\over 3} )$ has degree at least three since the valuation increases by a factor of 3. Write $x^3-2 = (x-\alpha)(x-w)(x-\bar w)$, we can then compute \[ K_\infty &= {\QQ[x] \over \gens{x^3-2}} \tensor_\QQ \RR \\ &\cong {\RR[x] \over \gens{x^3-2}} \\ &\cong {\RR[x] \over \gens{x-\alpha}} \oplus {\RR[x] \over x^2+\alpha x + \alpha^2} \\ &\cong \RR \oplus \CC \\ &= K_{v} \oplus K_{[v']} ,\] where we've used that the factors are irreducible and coprime over $\RR$. Note that there are two isomorphisms to $\CC$ here, and \[ v: K\to \RR \\ \sqrt{2} &\mapsto \alpha \\ \\ v': K\to \RR \\ \sqrt{2} &\mapsto w \text{ or } \bar w .\] ::: :::{.definition title="Finite Adeles"} Let $K\in \NF$, so that $\Places(K) \cong \mspec \OO_K$ consists of finitely many places. For $p$ a finite place, we can complete to obtain $K\complete p, \OO_{k, \hat p}$, generalizing $\QQpadic$ and $\ZZpadic$. Define the **finite adeles of $K$** as \[ \AA_{K, \Fin} &\da\resprod_{p\in \Places(K)} K\complete\mfp \\ &\da \ts{(x_p) \in \prod_{p\in \Places(K)} K\complete p \st x_p \in \OO_{K, \hat p} \text{ for all but finitely many }p} \\ &\subseteq \prod_{p\in \Places(K)} K\complete \mfp .\] Equivalently, \[ \AA_{K, \Fin} \da \ts{(x_p) \in \prod_p K\complete p \st \exist S \text{ finite where } x_p\in \OO_{K, \hat p} \,\forall p\not\in S } ,\] where one thinks of $S$ as a set of bad primes depending on $(x_p)$. This forms a ring under pointwise operations, but is topologized in the following way: use that $\OO_{K, \complete p}$ is compact and thus the subring $R\da \prod_p \OO_{K, \complete p}$ is compact by Tychonoff, and declare $R$ to be an open neighborhood of zero. This yields a basis of opens about zero, which can now be translated. ::: :::{.remark} Note that the naive product is not locally compact, so does not admit a good theory of Haar measures The motivation for the restricted product: an element of $K$ has only finitely many primes involved in the denominator, so only maps into finitely many factors. There is also a diagonal embedding \[ \Delta: K &\to \AA_{K, f} \\ \lambda = {a\over b} &\mapsto \cdots, S\da \ts{p\in \Places(K) \st p\divides b} = \ts{p \in \Places(K) \st v_p( \lambda) < 0} ,\] which is always a finite set. ::: :::{.definition title="Adeles"} The full ring of **adeles of $K$** is defined as \[ \AA_K \da \AA_{K,\Fin} \times K_{\infty} = \resprod_{v\in\Places(K)} K\complete v .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that $K$ is a 1-dimensional ring and contains $\OO_K$, and in analogy there is a ring of meromorphic functions $\CC(t) \contains \CC[t]$ and one could take a Laurent expansion about any point $v$ to get an element of $\prod_{v\in \CC} \CC\fls{t-v}$. This contains a subring $\prod_{v\in \CC} \CC\fps{t-v}$ of holomorphic functions, so \[ \CC(t) \embeds \prod_{v\in \CC} \CC\fls{t-v} \contains \prod_{v\in \CC} \CC\fps{t-v} .\] Idea: $\CC(t)$ embeds into the restricted product, since a meromorphic function has only finitely many poles, so this product encodes informations about meromorphic functions in a way such that modifying the function at one place won't change its behavior at another. ::: :::{.remark} More generally, the GLC would apply to global fields such as $K = \FF_q(t)$, and has essentially been proved by the Lafforgues using moduli spaces of shtukas. This are sort of like elliptic curves... but also not. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Note that $K_\infty \cong\tensor_\QQ \RR \cong K\tensor_\QQ \QQ_\infty$, and show \[ \AA_{K, \Fin} &\cong K\tensor_\QQ \AA_{\QQ, \Fin} \\ \AA_K &\cong K\tensor_\QQ \AA_\QQ .\] ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} \[ \AA_{\QQ, \Fin} \cong \QQ \oplus \prod_{p} \ZZpadic ,\] i.e. for all $x\da (x_p) \in \AA_{\QQ,\Fin}$ (so $x_p \in \QQpadic$ for all primes and $x_p\in \ZZpadic$ for all but finitely many $p$) there exists a $\lambda \in \QQ$ such that $x = \lambda + \mu$ for some $\mu \in \prod_p \ZZpadic$. ::: :::{.remark} The analogy: for a fixed meromorphic function, one can find a rational function to subtract off to remove all of the poles. So an adele can be modified by a globally meromorphic function to produce an entire function, which is a Riemann-Roch type of statement (associated to local functions to some global function with the same poles). ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma"} By induction on $\size S$, where for the base case when $S = \emptyset$ one can take $\mu = x$. Let $S$ be finite such that $x_p\in \ZZpadic$ for all $p\not\in S$. For a general $x$, choose $p\in S$ with $x_p \in \QQpadic$ and take a \(p\dash \)adic expansion as a Laurent series with a finite tail: \[ x_p = \lambda + f \da \qty{a_{-n}p^{-n} + \cdots + a_{-1}p\inv} + \qty{a_0 + \cdots}, \qquad a_i\in \ts{0,\cdots, p-1} ,\] so that $\lambda$ is the finite tail and satisfies $\lambda = N/p^{-n}$ for some $N$. Thus has a single pole at $p$, or more rigorously $v_r( \lambda) \geq 0$ for all $r\neq p$. Now write $x-\lambda = (y_p)$, where the bad set for $(y_p)$ is $S\sm \ts{p}$, so we're done by induction. ::: :::{.exercise title="Challenging"} Show that \[ \AA_K \cong K + \prod_{p} \OO_{K, \hat p} .\] The above proof doesn't quite work if $p$ is a prime that is not principal, so one needs input from class groups. ::: ## Ideles :::{.remark} We're interested in $\AA_K\units$, and more generally $\GL_n(\AA_K)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Ideles"} One can check that \[ \AA_{K, \Fin}\units = \resprod_{p} K\complete{p}\units \da \ts{(x_p) \in \prod_p K_\complete{p}\units \st x_p\in \OO_{K, \hat p}\units \text{ for almost all } p} ,\] and $\AA_K\units = \resprod_v K\complete{v}\units$. The topology on $\AA_{K, \Fin}\units$ is such that $\prod_p \OO_{K, \hat p}\units$ is open; this is not the subspace topology from $\AA_{K, \Fin}$. ::: :::{.warnings} $\AA_K\units \embeds \AA_K$ but the topology is not the subspace topology. ::: :::{.example title="?"} An element in $\AA_K\sm\AA_K\units$: take $x_p = p$ and set $x = (x_p) \in \AA_{\QQ, \Fin}$ and in fact $x\in \prod_p \ZZpadic$, however $1/x\in \prod_p \QQpadic$ but $1/x\not\in \AA_{\QQ, \Fin}$ since there are problems at infinitely many primes. ::: ## Global Class Field Theory :::{.remark} Recall that $G_K/G_K^c = G_K^\ab$ is the maximal Hausdorff abelian quotient of $G_K$, where $G_K^c$ is the topological closure of the commutator subgroup. This yields a factorization: \begin{tikzcd} {\bar K} \\ \\ && {K^\ab} \\ \\ K \arrow["{G_K}", from=5-1, to=1-1] \arrow["{G_K^\ab}"', from=5-1, to=3-3] \arrow[from=3-3, to=1-1] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJcXGJhciBLIl0sWzIsMiwiS15cXGFiIl0sWzAsNCwiSyJdLFsyLDAsIkdfSyJdLFsyLDEsIkdfS15cXGFiIiwyXSxbMSwwXV0=) After choosing $\bar K \contains K$, one can form the infinite extension \[ K^\ab = \Union_S L, \qquad S \da \ts{L \st K \leq L \leq \bar K, L/K \text{ finite }, G(L/K) \in \Ab\Grp} .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that for $K = \QQ$, Kronecker-Weber yields \[ \QQ^\ab = \Union_{N\geq 1} \QQ(\zeta_N) .\] Class field theory tells you what Galois group for $K^\ab/K$ is, but not necessarily what $K^\ab$ is itself. It exists for $\QQ$ by Kronecker-Weber, and for imaginary quadratic fields for reasons involving $j\dash$invariants of elliptic curves, but for real quadratic fields this is completely open. ::: :::{.question title="An open problem"} What is $K^\ab$ for $K = \QQ(2^{1\over 3})$? ::: :::{.theorem title="GCFT"} There is a surjection $r_K$, the **global Artin map**, which is a continuous group morphism: \begin{tikzcd} {\dcosetl{K\units}{\AA_K\units}} && {G(K^\ab/K)} && 0 \arrow["{r_K}", two heads, from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow[from=1-3, to=1-5] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJcXGRjb3NldGx7S1xcdW5pdHN9e1xcQUFfS1xcdW5pdHN9Il0sWzIsMCwiRyhLXlxcYWIvSykiXSxbNCwwLCIwIl0sWzAsMSwicl9LIiwwLHsic3R5bGUiOnsiaGVhZCI6eyJuYW1lIjoiZXBpIn19fV0sWzEsMl1d) ::: :::{.remark} The Artin map can't be an isomorphism since the RHS is profinite, but the LHS contains $K_\infty\units \cong (\RR\units)^{r_1} \times (\CC\units)^{r_2}$, so any connected component must be in the kernel of $r_K$ since the RHS is totally disconnected and continuous images of connected sets are connected. This happens to be the entire kernel when $K$ has no units, $K=\QQ$, and imaginary quadratic number fields. Since the identity is closed in the image, the kernel must be closed in the source by continuity. ::: :::{.theorem title="from CFT"} If $C_K$ is defined as the image of $(K_\infty\units)^0)$ in $\dcosetl{K\units}{\AA_K\units}$, then \[ \ker r_K = \cl_\top(C_K) ,\] the topological closure. ::: :::{.remark} It turns out that for $K=\QQ$ or an imaginary quadratic field, $C_K$ is already closed, but there are examples where it is not. Thus $G(K^\ab/K)\cong \dcoset{K\units}{\AA_K\units}{\cl_\top(C_K)}$. ::: :::{.remark} Some properties of $r_K$: \begin{tikzcd} {\tv{1,1,\cdots, 1, x_p, 1, \cdots }} & {\dcosetl{K\units}{\AA_K\units}} && {G(K^\ab/K)} \\ \\ {x_p} & {K\complete{p}\units} && {G_{K\complete p}^\ab} \arrow[from=3-4, to=1-4] \arrow["{r_K \text{ local Artin}}", from=3-2, to=3-4] \arrow["{r_K \text{ global Artin}}", from=1-2, to=1-4] \arrow[maps to, from=3-1, to=1-1] \arrow[from=3-2, to=1-2] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNixbMSwwLCJcXGRjb3NldGx7S1xcdW5pdHN9e1xcQUFfS1xcdW5pdHN9Il0sWzMsMCwiRyhLXlxcYWIvSykiXSxbMywyLCJHX3tLXFxjb21wbGV0ZSBwfV5cXGFiIl0sWzEsMiwiS1xcY29tcGxldGV7cH1cXHVuaXRzIl0sWzAsMCwiXFx0dnsxLDEsXFxjZG90cywgMSwgeF9wLCAxLCBcXGNkb3RzIH0iXSxbMCwyLCJ4X3AiXSxbMiwxXSxbMywyLCJyX0sgXFx0ZXh0eyBsb2NhbCBBcnRpbn0iXSxbMCwxLCJyX0sgXFx0ZXh0eyBnbG9iYWwgQXJ0aW59Il0sWzUsNCwiIiwwLHsic3R5bGUiOnsidGFpbCI6eyJuYW1lIjoibWFwcyB0byJ9fX1dLFszLDBdXQ==) So the global Artin maps glues all of the local Artin maps. If $L/K$ is finite, $G_L \injects G_K$ and there is an induced map $G(L^\ab/L)\to G(K^\ab/K)$ which need not be injective. There is a commuting square involving norms and transfers: \begin{tikzcd} {\dcosetl{L\units}{\AA_K\units}} && {G(L^\ab/L)} \\ \\ {\dcosetl{K\units}{\AA_K\units}} && {G(K^\ab/K)} \arrow[from=1-3, to=3-3] \arrow["{r_K}", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["{r_L}", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["{\Norm_{L/K}}", from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow["{\text{Transfer}}"', color={rgb,255:red,92;green,92;blue,214}, curve={height=18pt}, dashed, from=3-3, to=1-3] \arrow[color={rgb,255:red,92;green,92;blue,214}, curve={height=-24pt}, dashed, hook, from=3-1, to=1-1] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=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) :::