# Intro :::{.remark} Some additional resources: - ::: :::{.remark} Some vague definitions: - The congruence subgroups $\Gamma(N), \Gamma_0(N), \Gamma_1(N)$. \[ \Gamma(N) &\da \ts{M\in \SL_2(\ZZ) \st M\equiv I \mod N} \\ \Gamma_0(N) &\da \ts{M\in \SL_2(\ZZ) \st M\equiv \matt * * 0 * \mod N} .\] - A **congruence subgroup of level $N$** is any $H \contains \Gamma(N)$ - The **level** is the smallest $N$ such that $H \contains \Gamma(N)$. - Recovers $\SL_2(\ZZ) = \Gamma_0(1)$. - Principal congruence subgroups of **level** $N$: \[ 1\to \Gamma(N) \to \SL_2(\ZZ) \mapsvia{\mod N} \SL_2(\ZZ/N\ZZ)\to 1 .\] - Fuchsian groups: discrete subgroups of $\SL_2(\RR)$. - $Y(\Gamma)$: modular curves of the form $\dcosetl{\Gamma}{\HH}$ for $\Gamma$ a Fuchsian group of the first kind. For congruence subgroups, abbreviated $Y(N)$. - $X(\Gamma)$: the compactification of $Y(\Gamma)$ obtained by adding cusps. For congruence subgroups, abbreviated $X(N)$. - Shimura-Taniyama-Weil theorem: for $E$ an elliptic curve, there is a cover $X_0(N) \to E$ where $N$ is the conductor of $E$. - Bad reduction for an elliptic curve: primes $p$ for which the equation reduces $\mod p$ to a singular curve. - Factors of automorphy: for $\gamma = \matt a b c d\in \Gamma$, $j(\gamma, \tau) \da (c\tau + d)$. - Slash operators: $f\mid [\gamma]_k \da f(\gamma(\wait))\cdot j(\gamma,\wait)^{-k}$ - Classical automorphic forms of weight $k$ and level $N$: - $f\in \Mero(\HH, \CC)$, - $f\mid [\gamma]_k = f$ for all $\gamma \in \Gamma$ a congruence subgroup of level $N$, - Meromorphic at cusps, so the corresponding Fourier expansion at the cusps has a finite tail. - Note that these conditions guarantee the corresponding $L$ function will be meromorphic with known poles, or holomorphic for cusp forms. - Classical modular forms as automorphic forms: - $f\in \Hol(\HH, \CC)$ - $f\mid[\gamma]_k = f$ for all $\gamma$, - Holomorphic at cusps, so Fourier expansion as no negative terms. - **Cusp form**: modular forms with vanishing constant Fourier coefficient at every cusp. - Automorphic forms $f$ of weight $2k$ correspond to meromorphic differential forms $\omega = f(z) (dz)\tensorpower{\CC}{k}$. - Weakly modular forms of **weight** $k$ for $\SL_2(\ZZ)$: $f(\gamma(\tau)) = (c\tau + d)^k f(\tau)$ for all $\gamma\in \Gamma$ and $\tau \in \HH$. - Automorphic forms: meromorphic at $\infty$, form spaces $\mca_k(\Gamma)$ - Modular forms: holomorphic on $\HH \union\ts{\infty}$, form spaces $\mcm_k(\Gamma)$ - Cusp forms: vanishing at cusp points, i.e. $f(\infty) = 0$, form spaces $\mcs_k(\Gamma)$. - The containment: \[ \mca_k(\Gamma) \supseteq \mcm_k(\Gamma) \supseteq \mcs_k(\Gamma) .\] - The Eisenstein space: \[ 0 \to \mcs_K(\Gamma) \to \mfm_k(\Gamma) \to \mce_k(\Gamma) \to 0 .\] - Eisenstein series: \[ G_{k}(\tau):=\sum_{(c, d) \in \mathbb{Z}^{2}}^{\prime} \frac{1}{(c \tau+d)^{k}} ,\] where $G_k(\infty) = 2\zeta(k)$. - Normalization: \[ E_{k}\da \frac{G_{k}}{2 \zeta(k)} \in \mcm_{k}(\Gamma) .\] - The discriminant form: \[ \Delta: \HH\to \CC \\ \Delta &= g_2^3-27 g_3^2, \quad g_2 \da 60 G_4,\quad g_3 \da 14- G_6 .\] - Facts: $\Delta/(2\pi)^{12}\in \mcm_{12}(\SL_2(\ZZ))$ and has a Fourier expansion $\sum_k \tau(k) q^k$ for $q=\exp(2\pi i \tau)$ where $\tau$ is the Ramanujan $\tau$ function. Moreover $\Delta \in \mcs_{12}(\SL_2(\ZZ))$ - Modular curves $Y(N)$: ? - $X(N)$: ? - Geometric interpretations: - Modular forms of weight $k$ and level $N$: meromorphic differential forms on $X_0(N)$ which are multiples of a certain divisor, i.e. holomorphic sections of lines bundles on modular curves, so $\mcm_k(\Gamma) \cong H^0(X; \mcl_{\Gamma, k})$ for some line bundle. - Automorphic form: for $G$ an algebraic group, a function $f: G\to \CC$ which is invariant with respect to some subgroup $\Gamma \leq G$ - Petersson inner product: for $f,g$ modular forms of weight $k$ for $\Gamma$, at least one cuspidal, and $F$ a fundamental domain for $\Gamma$, \[ \ip{f}{g} \da \iint_F f\bar{g} y^k \, {\dx \dy \over y^2} .\] - Mellin transform: \[ M(f)(s) \da \int_{\RR\geq 0} f(y) y^s {\dy\over y} .\] - Note that $M(e^{-x})(s) = \Gamma(s)$ - Riemann zeta is the L function associated to the Jacobi theta function, which is modular of weight $1/2$ with respect to $\gens{z\mapsto z+2,\matt 0 {-1} 1 0 }$. - First instance of Langlands: Taniyama-Shimura-Weil theorem. For $E\slice \QQ$ an elliptic curve of conductor $N$, there is a weight 2 cusp form which is a Hecke eigenform on $\Gamma_0(N)$ with $L(E, s) = L(f, s)$. More generally, all $L$ functions attached to algebraic varieties should arise as $L$ functions coming from automorphic forms. :::