# 2024-07-24-10-03-07 (Hoskins III) ## Reductive GIT :::{.remark} Last time: reductive $G\actson X \subseteq \PP^n$ linearly, via a representation $\rho: G\to \GL_{n+1}$. We saw the Hilbert-Mumford criterion for the semistable locus. Fix $T \leq G$ a maximal torus and choose a Weyl-invariant norm on the cocharacter space $X_*(T)_\RR$. Then for any 1PS $\lambda: \GG_m\to G$, the conjugate $g \lambda g ^{-1}: \GG_m\to T$ is well-defined. ::: :::{.theorem title="Kempf, Hesselink, Kirwan, Ness"} For reductive $G\actson X = \PP^n$ linearly and a choice of norm $X_*(G)/G$ (modding out by conjugation), there is a finite stratification $X = \disjoint_{\beta\in B} S_\beta$ into $G\dash$invariant locally closed subvarieties with a partial order on $B$ satisfying 1. The lowest stratum is the semistable set, $S_0 = X^\ss$. Higher strata are more unstable. 2. $\bar S_ \beta \subseteq \disjoint_{\beta' \geq \beta} S_{ \beta'}$, i.e. closures of strata are contained in higher strata. 3. $B$ is determined combinatorially from the $T\dash$weights for $T$ a maximal torus, as is the norm. 4. $S_ \beta$ are determined by simpler limit sets which in turn are GIT semistable loci for smaller groups. ::: :::{.remark} These stratifications have been used for smooth varieties in various ways: - (Kirwan) to compute cohomology of GIT quotients with $\QQ$ coefficients, - (Dolgachev-Hu, Thaddeus) to describe birational transformations in VGIT, i.e. wall-crossing, - (Ballard-Favero-Katzarkov-Halpern-Leistnes) to describe semiorthogonal decompositions in $D^b( [X^\ss/G] )$. ::: :::{.remark} See the Kempf-Ness theorem. Over $\CC$, the GIT stratification will coincide with a symplectic stratification for $\norm{\mu}^2$ where $\mu$ is a moment map. ::: :::{.remark} For $x\in \PP^n$, define $\mu(x) \da \inf\ts{ {\mu(x, \lambda) \over \norm{\lambda} } \st \lambda: \GG_m \to G }$. Note that $x$ is semistable iff $\mu(x) \geq 0$. We say \( \lambda \) is adapted to $x$ if it achieves this $\inf$. Write the set of all primitive 1PS adapted to $x$ as \( \Lambda(x) \); Kempf shows this is nonempty. To get a stratification, stratify the unstable locus by pairs $\beta = ([ \lambda], d)$ where the first term is a conjugacy class of 1PS of $G$ and $d$ is a value of $M$. ::: :::{.definition title="Parabolic subgroups associated to 1PS"} Let $P_ \lambda = \ts{ g\in G \st \lim_{t\to 0} \lambda(t) g \lambda(t)\inv \text{ exists in } G }$ and let $L_{\lambda} \da \ts{g\in G \st \lambda(t) g \lambda(t)\inv = g}$. The former is a parabolic, the latter is a Levi. There is a map $q_ \lambda: P_ \lambda\to L_ \lambda$, and $U_ \lambda \da \ker q_ \lambda$ is unipotent. There is a decomposition $P_ \lambda = U_ \lambda\semidirect L_ \lambda$. ![](figures/2024-07-24_10-40-20.png) ::: :::{.remark} For $\beta = ( [ \lambda] , d)$, we define $S_ \beta = \ts{x\in X \st [\lambda] \intersect \Lambda(x) \neq \emptyset \land M( \lambda) = d}$. Fix \( \lambda \in [\lambda] \), define $Z_\lambda = \ts{ x\in X^{\lambda(\GG_m)} \st {\mu(x, \lambda) \over \norm{\lambda} } = d }$. This is a limit set. Define a blade by $Y_ \lambda = \ts{ x \in X \st \lim_{t\to 0} \lambda(t) x \in Z_ \lambda }$. Note that $\exists p_ \lambda: Y_ \lambda\to X_ \lambda$. Similarly define semistable versions of these. ::: ## Non-reductive group actions :::{.remark} Non-reductive groups appear naturally in many moduli problems, e.g. - Moduli of unstable objects, e.g. VBs of a fixed HN type. Parabolic subgroup actions appear here. - Moduli of hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces or toric varieties. The automorphism groups are now generally non-reductive. - Moduli of $k$-jets, i.e. germs of holomorphic maps truncated at order $k$. Let $G\actson \spec A$ be non-reductive. Even if $A^G$ is finitely generated, other issues arise: - $X\to X\modmod G = \spec A^G$ is not surjective, and the image is generally only constructible. - $G\dash$invariants don't separate closed orbits. - $G\dash$invariants don't extend to ambient affines. :::