# 2024-07-26-11-04-29 :::{.remark} Let $X$ be Fano and let $D \sim_\QQ r K_X$ for $r\in \QQ_{>0}$, for example a degree $d$ hypersurface. If $K_X + D$ is ample, we can form a KSBA moduli space and we consider the "main" component containing a fixed point. If $-(K_X+D)$ is ample, we can instead form a K-moduli space. ::: :::{.theorem} If $X = \PP^n$ and $D$ is a degree $d$ hypersurface, for $\eps \ll 1$, K-stability of $(\PP^n, \eps D)$ is equivalent to GIT stability of $D$. In fact, the K-moduli space is isomorphic to the GIT stack of degree $d$ hypersurfaces. ::: :::{.remark} Let $(\PP^n, cD)$ both be smooth. Then 1. If $0 < c < \min\ts{ {n+1\over d}, 1}$, then the pair is K-stable. 2. If ${n+1\over d} < c < 1$, then the pair is KSBA stable. 3. $D$ is GIT stable. :::