# 2024-08-29-12-46-42 :::{.remark} Recall the construction of the blowup at a point $\pi: \tilde S\to S$. We proved $E^2= -1$. ::: :::{.lemma} Some facts: - $\Pic \tilde S = \Pic S \oplus \ZZ E$ - $\NS(\tilde S) = \NS(S) \oplus \ZZ E$ Thus every line bundle on $\tilde S$ is of the form $\pi^* L + mE$ for some $m$ and some $L\in \Pic(S)$. ::: :::{.proof} Write $\Pic(S)$ as divisors modulo principal divisors, where the latter are $(\varphi) = (\varphi)_0 - (\varphi)_\infty$ for some \( \varphi \in \CC(S) \). The numerator includes an additional divisor $E$, while the denominator is the same since they are birational. ::: :::{.lemma} If $p\in C$, then $\pi^* C = C' + mE$ where $C'$ is the strict transform of $C$, $C' = \overline{\pi\inv(C\setminus p)}$. ::: :::{.proof} Cover $\tilde S$ by $S\times \AA^1_u$ and $S\times \AA^1\times v$. On the first we have coordinates $x,u$ where $y=xu$, on the second we have $y,v$ where $x=yv$. Then the map is $(x, u) \mapsto (x, xu)$, the affine blowup. Note that $x=0 \mapsto (0, 0)$ is the exceptional curve. If $x\neq 0$ this map is invertible, since $u=y/x$. Write $\pi^* f_m(x,y) = f_m(x,xu) = x^m g(x, u)$, and this is $mE + C'$. ::: :::{.lemma} \[ \tilde K_S = \pi^* K_S + E .\] ::: :::{.proof} Write $\OO(K_S) = \Omega^2_S = \gens{dx\wedge dy}_{\OO_S}$. Check $dx,dy$ in the coordinates $y=xu$ to get \[ dx \wedge dy = dx\wedge d(xu) = dx\wedge \qty{udx + xdu} = xdx\wedge du .\] Conclusion: $\pi^* \Omega_S^2 \subseteq \Omega^2_{\tilde S}$, and \( \pi^* \Omega_S^2 = \Omega^2_{\tilde S}(E) \) since these forms vanish along $E$. This says $\pi^* K_S = K_{\tilde S} - E$. ::: :::{.lemma} Claim: - $(C')^2 = C^2 - m^2$. - $C_1' C_2' = C_1 C_2 - m_1 m_2$. - $p_a(C') = p_a(C) - {m(m-1) \over 2}$. ::: :::{.proof} We have $\pi^* C_1 \pi^* C_2 = C_1 C_2$ since $\pi$ is generically 1-to-1. By the projection formula, $\pi^* C E = C\pi_* E = 0$. Recall \[ p_a(C) = {1\over 2}(K_S C + C^2) + 1 ,\] so write \[ p_a(C') = { (\pi^* K_S + E)(\pi^* C - mE) + (\pi^* C - mE)^2 \over 2} +1 .\] ::: :::{.remark} \includesvg{inkscape/2024-08-29_13-06.svg} ::: :::{.remark} Blow up the nodal curve to get $p_a' = p_a - 1$. Blow up the cuspidal curve to get....something. Note that all cubics have the same $p_a$, since it only depends on the linear equivalence class of $C$. Consider resolving $C$ to $C'$ by $\nu$ and use the fundamental SES \[ 0\to \OO_C \to \nu^* \OO_{\tilde C} \to F\to 0 .\] Then $\chi(\OO_{\tilde C}) = \chi(\OO_C) + \chi(F)$ where $\chi(F) = h^0(F) = d > 0$. Recall $p_a = 1 - \chi(\OO_C)$. If $C$ is smooth then $p_a(C) = g$. ::: ## Castelnuovo :::{.theorem} Suppose $\tilde S$ is a smooth surface containing $E\cong \PP^1$ where $E^2=-1$. Then $\exists \pi: \tilde S\to S$ where $E\mapsto \pt$ such that $\tilde S\sm E \cong S\sm\pt$ and $\tilde S \cong \Bl_p S$. ::: :::{.remark} On linear systems: let $V \subseteq H^0(L)$ where $L = \OO(C)$. Let $s\in V$, then $(s) = D$ an effective divisor. Write $\PP V = \ts{ (s) \st s\neq 0}$, this is equivalent to the set of effective divisors $D\sim C$. Recall $|C| = H^0(\OO(C)) = \ts{ \phi \text{ rational } \st ( \varphi) + C = D \geq 0}$, i.e. those $(\phi)$ such that $(\phi) + C$ has no poles. This is a complete linear system. Note that $( \varphi_1) = (\varphi_2) \iff \qty{ \varphi_1\over \varphi_2} = 0$. Here $s$ and \( \varphi \) are in bijection. ::: :::{.remark} Let $f: S \to \PP^n$ such that $f(S)$ is not contained in a hyperplane. This yields a linear system. In projective coordinates $x_i$ of $\PP^n$, write a hyperplane $H$ as $\sum c_i x_i \in \PP V$ where $\PP^n = \PP V\dual$. Then $f^* H$ is a divisor on $S$. Define a line bundle $L = f^* \OO_{\PP^n}(1)$ on $S$. Each $H$ defines a section $s$. This yields an $(n+1)$-dimensional vector space $V \subseteq L$. \includesvg{inkscape/2024-08-29_13-33.svg} ::: :::{.remark} Write the base locus of $\PP V$ as \( \Intersect _{D\in \PP V} D \). A base component is a divisor in the base locus. Say $\PP V$ is basepoint free if $\mathrm{Base}(\PP V) = \emptyset$. We then get a bijection between linear systems without base components for smooth varieties $S$ and rational maps $S\rational \PP^n$. ::: :::{.lemma} If $C$ is a smooth curve and $C\rational \PP^n$, then this map can be extended to a regular map. ::: :::{.remark} Write the uniformizer of $\OO_{C, p}$ as $t$, let $\phi_0, \cdots, \phi_n$ be rational functions. Write $\phi_i = u t^{m_i}$, take $d=\min m_i$, and divide by $t^d$. ::: :::{.example} Consider the linear system $L$ of lines through a point in $\PP^2$. Then $L \cong \PP^1$, since each such line is specified by a point in $\PP^1$. Write $H^0(\OO_{\PP^2}(1)) = \gens{x_0, x_1, x_2}$, so $L = \gens{x_1, x_2}$. Then take the rational map \begin{align*} \PP^2 &\to \PP^1 \\ [x_0: x_1: x_2] &\mapsto [x_1: x_2] \end{align*} which is undefined at $[1:0:0]$. This single point is the base locus of $L$. ::: :::{.example} Take $H^0(\OO_{\PP^2}(2)) \contains L = \gens{x_1^2, x_1x_2}$. Write $L' = L + E$ where $E = \ts{x_1=0}$. ::: :::{.example} Let $S = \PP^2$ and $L = |2H-p|$, quadrics passing through the origin. A basis for all quadrics is given by $\gens{x_0^2, x_1^2,x_2^2, x_0x_1, x_0 x_2, x_1 x_2}$. Imposing $x_0^2=0$ yields $L\cong \PP^4$. What is the image? It is the blowup of $\PP^2$ at the origin. Note that there are no basepoints on the blowup. The pullbacks of all such quadrics contain $E$, generically with multiplicity one. The pulled back linear system on $\tilde S$ is $|2H-E|$; this gives an embedding $\tilde S\to \PP^4$. ::: :::{.remark} Next time: - $f$ is injective if $L$ separates points: $\forall p,q, \exists D$ such that $p\in D$ but $q\not\in D$. - $f$ is a closed embedding if $L$ separates tangent vectors. This prevents the following situation, where a tangent vector is sent to zero: \includesvg{inkscape/2024-08-29_14-00.svg} :::