# 2024-09-05-12-47-08 :::{.remark} Last time: $S' \mapsvia{f} S$ with $S$ smooth and $f\inv$ undefined at $p\in S$. Then $f$ contracts a nonempty curve $C \subseteq S'$, i.e. $f(C) = p$. ::: :::{.remark} Recall Zariski's main theorem: if $f:X\to Y$ is finite and birational with $Y$ normal, then $f$ is an isomorphism. Recall that $Y$ is normal iff $\OO_{Y, p}$ is integrally closed in its fraction field, and smooth implies normal because UFDs are integrally closed. We give two proofs of the theorem from last time. ::: :::{.proof} We will show that $f$ is finite and affine, i.e. preimages of affines are affines. Recall a morphism $\spec A\to \spec B$ is finite if $B\to A$ makes $A$ a finite $B$-module. Finite is equivalent to quasifinite (finite fibers) and proper. Note that projective morphisms are proper, and any morphism between projective varieties is automatically projective. ::: :::{.proof} Recall $S$ is smooth, so $\OO_{S, p}$ is a UFD. Embed $S' \subseteq \PP^n$ and consider $f\inv: U\to \AA^n \subseteq \PP^n$ where $U$ is an affine neighborhood of $p$. Then $f\inv = ( \varphi_1, \cdots, \varphi_n)$ is given by $n$ rational functions. Write $u/v$ for where $\phi_1$ is undefined at $p$, then $u(p) = v(p) = 0$. Let $u/v$ be coprime. Pullback and consider $f^*u, f^* v$. Then $f^*u = f^*v \cdot x_1$ where $x_i$ are coordinates on $U$. They are coprime in the UFD $\OO_{S, p}$. So these differ by a regular function. Consider the curve where $f^* v = 0$, then $f^* u = 0$. By the principal ideal theorem, $f^*v=0$ is codimension one, hence a curve. ::: :::{.remark} Slogan: non-regular rational maps insert curves. Note that it may factor as a sequence of blowups. Recall Castelnuovo's contractibility criterion: rational $(-1)$-curves can be blown down. ::: :::{.lemma} If $S$ is smooth projective and contains $E\cong \PP^1$ with $E^2 = -1$, then $\exists f: S\to S'$ with $S'$ smooth and $S = \Bl_p S'$, i.e. $f(E) = p$ is a point and $\ro{f}{S\sm E}$ is an isomorphism. ::: :::{.proof} Consider $\OO_S(1) = \OO_{\PP^m}(1)\mid_S$ and let $H$ be a hyperplane. Then $H$ is very ample. Let $A = mH$ for $m\gg 0$; note $A$ is also very ample. I.e. there is some $S\injects \PP^k$ where $\OO_S(m) = \OO_{\PP^k}(1)\mid_S$, this follows from pulling back a Veronese embedding $V_m: \PP^m\to \PP^k$. The degree of the curve under this embedding is $A.E > 0$. Define $L = A +mE$, then $L.E = 0$. Claim: $\abs{L}$ is basepoint-free, contracts $E$ to a point, and the induced morphism $\phi_{\abs E}$ is an isomorphism outside of $E$. Step one: $L$ is basepoint-free. Consider $H^0(L)$. We know $\Base(L) \subseteq E$ since the only possible zeros are along $E$. Consider $H^0(L\mid_E)$ induced by the restriction $\OO(L) \surjects \OO_E(L)$. Note that $\deg \OO_E(L) = 0$, and since $\Pic(\PP^n) = \ZZ$ we have $\OO_E(L) \cong \OO_{\PP^n}$. There is a SES $0\to \OO_S(L-E) \to \OO_S(L) \to \OO_E(L)$, so by taking the LES, it suffices to show $H^1(\OO_S(L-E)) = 0$. Now apply Serre's vanishing theorem: if $X$ is projective and $F\in \Coh(X)$, the twist $F(m)$ for $m\gg 0$ has vanishing higher cohomology and $F(m)$ is globally generated. So $H^1(\OO_S(A)) = 0$, and $L = A + mE$, so $L-E = A + (m-1)E$. We want $H^0(A + (m-1)E) = 0$. There are SESs $0\to \OO_S(A + (k-1)E)\to \OO_S(A + kE)\to \OO_E(A+kE)$. By induction, it suffices to show $H^1(\PP^1, \OO(m+k)) = 0$. This is dual to $H^0(\PP^1, \OO(-2-m-k))$, which is zero if $k\leq m-1$. > Missed details here, the markers were dying! Delicate part of the argument: showing $S'$ is smooth. It suffices to see that $\dim_\CC \mfm_p/\mfm_p^2 = 2$. For that, we produce two explicit generators. Take a SES $0\to \OO_S(L-2E)\to \OO_S(L-E)\to \OO_E(L-E) = \OO_{\PP^1}(1) \to 0$. Take the LES, note $H^0(\OO_{\PP^1}(1)) = \gens{x,y}$ is 2-dimensional. This is isomorphic to $H^0(L-E)/H^0(L-2E)$, we want to show this is $F\tensor \mfm_p/\mfm_p^2$ for $F$ some invertible sheaf. Write $S' \injects \PP^n$ and $g: S\to \PP^n$ for the composition with $f$. Then $L = g^* \OO_{\PP^n}(1)$. Check that sections of $L-E$ vanish along $E$ to order at least 1, so are in $\mfm_p$. Similarly sections of $L-2E$ vanish along $E$ to order at least 2 and are thus in $\mfm_p^2$. Thus $F = \OO_{S'}(1)$. Note $f_* \OO_S = \OO_{S'}$ and $L = f^* \OO_{S'}(1)$, so by the projection formula, \[ f_* L = f_*\qty{f^*\OO_{S'}(1) } = f_* \OO_S \tensor \OO_{S'}(1) = \OO_{S'}(1) .\] Apply $f_*$ to $\OO(L-E)\injects \OO(L) \surjects \OO_E(L)$ and show one gets $\mfm_p(1) \to \OO_{S'}(1) \to \CC_p \to \RR^1 f_* \OO_S(L-E) = 0$. Something similar must be shown for $L-2E$, but this requires a spectral sequence argument. We instead appeal to Grothendieck's theorem on formal functions. ::: :::{.remark} Normalization produces a Stein factorization: \[\begin{tikzcd} & {\tilde S'} \\ \\ S && {S'} & {\PP^n} \arrow[from=1-2, to=3-3] \arrow[from=3-1, to=1-2] \arrow[from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow[hook, from=3-3, to=3-4] \end{tikzcd}\] > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/#q=WzAsNCxbMCwyLCJTIl0sWzIsMiwiUyciXSxbMywyLCJcXFBQXm4iXSxbMSwwLCJcXHRpbGRlIFMnIl0sWzAsM10sWzMsMV0sWzAsMV0sWzEsMiwiIiwyLHsic3R5bGUiOnsidGFpbCI6eyJuYW1lIjoiaG9vayIsInNpZGUiOiJ0b3AifX19XV0=) Here $\tilde S'$ is the normalization, and can be written as $\tilde S' = \spec f_* \OO_S$. ::: :::{.remark} Grothendieck's theorem on formal functions: let $f:X\to Y$ be projective, $F\in \Coh(X)$, and $p\in Y$. Consider the higher direct images $\RR^i f_* F$ on $Y$, which is an $\OO_Y$-module. Complete the stalk at $p$ to get $\widehat{\RR^i f_* F}_p$ which is a module over $\widehat{\OO_{Y, p}}$. This can be computed as a limit $\colim_{Z} F\mid_Z$ where $Z$ are thickenings of the fiber $f\inv(p)$. ::: :::{.remark} We first apply this for $i=0$; we get $\widehat{f_* \OO_S} =\widehat{\OO_{S'}}$. For smoothness, we want to show the latter is isomorphic to $\CC\fps{x,y}$. The theorem says to compute $\colim_m H^0(mE)$. We have $0\to \OO_S(mE)\to \OO_S \to \OO_{mE}$. The claim is that the colimit is $\CC[x,y,x^2,xy,y^2,\cdots,y^m]$, the monomials up to the $m$th order. Use the fact that $\OO_E(-mE) = \OO_{\PP^1}(m)$. ::: :::{.remark} This concludes chapter 2. Next time: ruled surfaces. :::