# 2024-09-17-12-46-29 :::{.remark} We proved that every geometrically ruled surface is of the form $\PP_C(\mce)$ with $\rank \mce = 2$. Recall that locally free $\OO_C$ modules are in bijection with $\AA^n$ bundles over $C$. ::: :::{.lemma} For all rank 2 locally free sheaves $\mce$, there is a SES \[ 0\to L\to \mce \to M \to 0 \] where $L, M$ are line bundles. If $h^0(\mce) > 0$, then $L = \OO(D)$ for $D$ an effective divisor. Note that $\deg \mce \da \deg \det(\mce) = \deg \wedge^2 \mce$. ::: :::{.proof} Sections $s\in H^0(C; \mce)$ correspond to morphisms $\OO_C \mapsvia{s} \mce$ where $1\mapsto s$. Note that the cokernel of a morphism of locally free sheaves may not be locally free. Taking duals yields $\mce\dual \mapsvia{s\dual} \OO_C$. Note $\mce\dual\surjects Q = \OO(-D)$ with kernel $K$, which is locally free. This yields $0\to K\to \mce\dual\to Q\to 0$, so dualize to get the result. This holds under the hypothesis $h^0(\mce) > 0$, so there is a section. By Serre, $\mce(n) \da \mce \tensor \OO_C(n)$ is generated by global sections for $n\gg 0$. So $H^0(\mce(n))\tensor \OO_C \surjects \mce(n)$, and the previous argument applies, then untwist. ::: :::{.remark} Recall Riemann-Roch for line bundles on a curve: $\chi(L) = \deg L + 1 - g$. Note that $\det(\mce) \cong L\tensor M$, so $\deg(\mce) = \deg(L) + \deg(M)$. Thus \[ \chi(\mce) = \chi(L) + \chi(M) = (\deg L + 1-g) + (\deg M + 1-g) = \deg(\mce) = 2(1-g) .\] ::: :::{.remark} When does this extension split? Twist $L\to \mce\to M$ by $M\inv$ to get $L\tensor M\inv \to \mce\tensor M\inv\to \OO$. A section of the former is the same as a map $\OO\to \mce\tensor M\inv$. A section $s\in H^0(\mce \tensor M\inv)$ maps to $1\in H^0(\OO)$ which further maps to some $e\in H^1(L\tensor M\inv)$ in the associated long exact sequence. The extension splits iff the extension class $e=0$. As a corollary, if $H^1(L\tensor M\inv) = 0$ then the extension splits. ::: :::{.remark} On $\PP^1$, any rank $r$ vector bundle $E$ splits as a sum of $\OO(n_i)$. ::: :::{.proof} Compute $\deg(E\tensor A) = \deg E + 2\deg A$ when $\rank A = 1$. Replace $E$ by some $E(n)$ so that $\deg E = 0$ or $-1$. By Riemann-Roch, $\chi(E) = \deg E + 2 = 2$ or $1$. Thus $h^0(E) \geq 1$. There is then a SES $\OO(n) \to E\to \OO(m)$ where $m = \deg E - n$ with $n\geq 0$. The extension class $e\in H^1(\OO(2n-\deg E)) = 0$, since $2n-\deg E \geq 0$. This uses that $H^1(\OO(d)) = 0$ if $d\geq -1$, since this is dual to $h^0(\OO(-2-d))$. ::: :::{.remark} Why this decomposition is unique: this minimum of $n_1, n_2$ is unique as a function of $E$. The $\max(n_1, n_2)$ is the maximal $n$ such that $h^0(E(-n)) > 0$, since twisting by $-n$ yields $\OO \oplus \OO(n_2-n)$ where $n_2 - n \leq 0$. ::: :::{.remark} For an elliptic curve $C$, the only indecomposable rank 2 bundles are extensions $E$ in $\OO\to E\to \OO$ where $e\in H^1(\OO) = \CC$, or $\OO\to E\to \OO(p)$ with $e\in H^1(\OO(-p)) = H^0(\OO(p))\dual = \CC$ for $p\in C$ a point. One can take either of these and tensor by a line bundle. ::: :::{.remark} For curves of genus $g\geq 2$, there is a moduli space of indecomposable rank 2 vector bundles of degrees 0 or 1. The dimension is $3g-3$. ::: :::{.corollary} The geometrically ruled surfaces over $\PP^1$ are $\PP(\OO \oplus \OO(n)) = \FF_n$, the Hirzebruch surfaces, for $n\geq 0$. ::: ## Tautological line bundles on $\PP_C(E)$ :::{.remark} On $S$, there is a natural SES $N\to p^* E\to \OO_{\PP(E)}(1)$ where $p: S\to C$, $p^* E$ is rank 2, and $N, \OO_{\PP(E)}(1)$ are line bundles. There is a similar sequence on fibers $\OO(-1)\to \OO \oplus \OO \to \OO(1)$. Regard a point in a fiber as an $\AA^1 \subseteq \AA^2$. We thus call $\OO_{\PP(E)}(1)$ the tautological bundle. ::: :::{.remark} Sections $s: C\to \PP_C(E)$ are in bijection with rank 1 locally free quotients of $E$ on $C$. ::: :::{.remark} Intersection theory on a deeper level, toward the enumerative geometry of $\PP_C(E)$. Let $X$ be a variety, and $F$ a rank $r$ vector bundle on $X$. Then there exist Chern classes $c_i(F)\in A^i(X)$ for $0\leq i \leq \dim X$. Recall that $A^i(X)$ are codimension $i$ cycles $\sum n_k Z_k$ modulo linear equivalence, so $A^1(X) = \Pic(X)$. Recall linear equivalence: \includesvg{figures/2024-09-17_13-55.svg} The total Chern class is $c(F) \da \sum_i c_i(F)$. It is additive in SESs: for $A\to B\to C$, one has $c(B) = c(A)\cdot c(C)$. A map $f: X\to Y$ induces $f^*: A^i(Y) \to A^i(X)$ where $c_i(f^* F) = f^*(c_i(F))$. If $L$ is a line bundle, then $c(L) = 1 + L$. ::: :::{.remark} By general principles, $c_2(p^* E) = 0$. Next time $[N] \cdot [\PP_C(E)] = 0$. :::