# 2024-10-15-12-51-37 :::{.remark} Recall that a *minimal* surface is a smooth projective surface which does not contain any smooth rational $(-1)$-curves. Castelnuovo's contraction theorem implies that any smooth projective surface is birational to a minimal surface. Goal: classify all smooth projective surfaces up to birational equivalence. A related question: in any birational equivalence class, is there a unique minimal surface? Or can two minimal surfaces be birational? Answer: - No for rational surfaces, - Yes for non-ruled surfaces. Recall that a ruled surface is birational to $C\times \PP^1$ for $C$ a smooth projective curve. Note that rational implies ruled, since $\PP^2 \birational \PP^1\times \PP^1$ which is ruled. Every non-ruled surface admits a unique minimal model up to isomorphism. ::: :::{.remark} Let $S, S'$ be non-ruled surfaces and $\phi: S'\birational S$ be a birational map. We want to show that $S' \cong S$. Note that $\phi$ is a composition of blowups and blowdowns, so there exists some $\hat S$ with $f: \hat S\to S$ and $\eps: \hat{S}\to S'$ where $f, \eps$ are compositions of blowups. Choose a diagram such that $\eps$ is composed of a minimal number $n\in \ZZ_{\geq 0}$ of blowups. By cases: if $n=0$, then $S'\cong \hat S$, and $f:S'\to S$ is a composition of blowups. The last blowup would introduce an exceptional curve, contradicting the fact that $S'$ is minimal. Thus $f$ is an isomorphism. Suppose now that $n\neq 0$; we'll show that this can never happen. Let $E$ be the exceptional curve of the blowup $\eps$ in $\hat S$. Consider $f(E)$, then either - $f(E)$ is contracted, so $f(E)$ is a point, or - $f(E)$ is a curve. The first case contradicts the minimality of $n$ by removing the blowup/blowdown of $E$ from the diagram. In the second case, we'll show such a curve can not exist, reaching a contradiction. ::: :::{.lemma} Let $X$ be any surface and $f: \hat X\to X$ is the blowup at a point. Let $\hat \Gamma \subseteq \hat X$ be an irreducible curve which is not contracted by $f$, so $\Gamma \da f(\hat \Gamma) \subseteq X$ is a curve. Then \[ K_{\hat X}.\hat \Gamma \geq K_X . \Gamma .\] ::: :::{.proof} As long as $\hat \Gamma \not\subseteq E$, it is not contracted to a point when $E$ is blown down. So this yields some curve $\Gamma \subseteq X$, possibly singular. Let $m \da E.\hat \Gamma < \infty$, which is finite because $\hat \Gamma$ is not contained in $E$. Note $K_{\hat X} = f^* K_X + E$. We can write $\hat \Gamma = f^* \Gamma + mE$. Recall that $f^* D_1 . f^* D_2 = D_1. f_* f^* D_2$, so $f^* K_{X}. f^* \Gamma = K_X. f_* f^* \Gamma = K_X.\Gamma$, so \begin{align*} K_{\hat X}. \hat \Gamma &= (f^* K_X + E)(f^* \Gamma - mE) \\ &= f^* K_X. f^* \Gamma + E.f^* \Gamma -m f^* K_X.E - mE^2 \\ &= K_X.\Gamma + 0 + 0 - 1 .\end{align*} Moreover, $f^* D_1.D = D_1.f_* D$, so we have \[ E.f^* \Gamma = f^* \Gamma.E = \Gamma.f_* E = 0 \] since $f_* E$ is a point and not a divisor. This proves the lemma. Note that equality is attained iff $m=0$, so $\hat \Gamma$ does not intersect $E$. ::: :::{.remark} We now apply this lemma to the previous proof. Recall that $\eps: \hat{S}\to S$ produces an exceptional curve $E = \hat\Gamma$ where the last blowup $\eps_n$ produces $E$. Let $C = f(E)$. Apply the lemma to each blowup $f_1,\cdots, f_m$ by setting $\hat\Gamma = E$. By the adjunction formula, $2g(E)-2 = E.(E+K_{\hat S})$, and since $g(E) = 0$ one obtains $E.K_{\hat S} = -1$. Thus $C.K_S \leq -1$ by the lemma. Claim: $C.K_S \neq -1$, so the inequality is strict. If $K_S.C = -1$, then $K_{\hat S}.E = K_S.C$ and this only happens if $E$ does not intersect the other exceptional divisor $E$. So $f(E) \cong C \cong E$, so $C\cong \PP^1$ with $C^2 = -1$, but this contradicts minimality of $S$. Thus $C.K_S \leq -2$. By adjunction, \[ 2g(C)-2 = C.(C+K_S) = C^2 + C.K_S \implies C^2 = 2g-2-C.K_S \implies C^2\geq 0 \] since $C.K_S \leq -2$. ::: :::{.lemma} We thus have two properties: - $C.K_S \leq -2$, - $C^2 \geq 0$. If such a curve exists, all plurigenera $P_m(S)$ vanish. ::: :::{.proof} Note that $P_m(S) = 0$ iff $mK_S$ is not effective. If $D = mK_S$ is effective, then $D = D' + a C$ where $a\geq 0$ such that $D'$ does not contain $C$. Then $D.C = D'.C + aC^2 \geq 0$ by assumption, but this implies $mK_S.C \geq 0$, a contradiction. ::: :::{.remark} Hence $P_m(S) = 0$, and in particular $P_2(S) = 0$. Cases: - $h^{1, 0}(S) = 0$, which implies $S$ is rational by Castelnuovo, hence ruled, a contradiction. - $h^{1, 0}(S) \neq 0$, which we claim also can not happen. Assume the second case. Black box: for any surface $S$, there is a natural map $\psi: S\to \Alb(S)$ where $\psi(S)$ is a curve of genus $h^{1, 0}$. Moreover, $\psi$ is generically finite, and $\Alb(S)$ is generally a genus $g$ abelian variety. Since $C$ is rational, it must be a fiber of $\psi$. One can show $S\cong \Alb(S) \times \PP^1$, showing $S$ is ruled, a contradiction. This forces $n=0$ and $S\cong S'$. ::: :::{.remark} Next time: the Albanese variety. :::