# 2024-10-31-12-45-31 :::{.remark} Recall that we are considering minimal surfaces $S$ with $q\geq 1, p_g = 0$. We had $K^2 = 10-8q-b_2$, and concluded that if $K^2 < 0$ then $S$ is ruled. We consider now the extreme case where $K^2 = 0$, so $q=1, p_g = 0, b_2 = 2$, and $S$ is not ruled. Consider the Albanese morphism $p: S \to B \subseteq \Alb(S)$ with $g(B) = q$; we'd like to show every fiber is irreducible. If any fiber is reducible, this forces $b_2\geq 3$ by taking two components along with a horizontal part. If any fiber is $\PP^1$, then $S$ is ruled and birational to $B\times \PP^1$. Since $S$ is reduced and $p$ is nonconstant onto a smooth curve, $p$ is flat. ::: :::{.theorem} If $g\geq 2$ then $p$ is smooth, so every fiber is smooth and reduced (multiplicity one). If $g=1$ then every fiber $F$ is of the form $F=nC$ for $C$ a smooth elliptic curve. In any case, $p$ is an isotrivial family, i.e. any two fibers are isomorphic. ::: :::{.remark} In the $g=1$ case, the fibration $p$ is almost smooth. Note that isotrivial families aren't necessarily cartesian products. Moreover, we claim that $p$ is never the trivial family $S = B\times F$. If it were, $K_S = \pi_1^* K_B + \pi_2^* K_F$ is effective, contradicting $p_g = 0$. ::: :::{.remark} To study this, we consider the topological Euler characteristic, defined as $\chi_{\Top}(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{\dim_\RR X} (-1)^i \dim H^i_c(X)$ for $X$ any algebraic variety over $\CC$, not necessarily compact. Fact: if $X\contains Z$ a closed set with open complement $U \da X\sm Z$, one has $\chi_\Top(X) = \chi_\Top(Z) + \chi_\Top(U)$. As a corollary, for a fibration like $p$, one has \[ \chi_\Top(S) = \chi_\Top(B)\cdot \chi_\Top(F_{\mathrm{gen}}) + \sum_{\mathrm{finite}}\chi_\Top(F_s)- \chi_\Top(F_{\mathrm{gen}}) \] where $F_s$ is the special fiber. Note that there is a LES $H^i_c(U)\to H^i_c(X) \to H^i_c(Z)$ given by including cycles along $Z\injects X$ and restricting cycles to the open subset $U \subseteq X$. Note that $b_2 = 2q$ by Hodge conjugate symmetry, and so in our case \[ \chi_\Top(S) = 1-b_1+b_2-b_3+1 = 2 - 2b_1 + b_3 = 4-4q=0 .\] If $C$ is a smooth curve of genus $g$, \[ \chi_\Top(C) = 1-b_1+1 = 2-2g .\] Note that when $C$ is smooth, $\chi(\OO_C) = h^0(\OO_C)-h^1(\OO_C) = 1-g$, and so $\chi_\Top(C) = 2\chi(\OO_C)$. ::: :::{.remark} Claim: $\chi_\Top(F_s) > \chi_\Top(F_{\mathrm{gen}})$, so the finite sum in $\chi_\Top(S)$ is nonzero. Equality only holds in the $g=1$ case of the above theorem. This will prove the first part of the theorem. Let $F$ be a fiber, then there is a SES $\OO_S(-F) \injects \OO_S\surjects \OO_F$ given by restriction to a fiber. Thus \begin{align*} \chi(\OO_F) &= \chi(\OO_S) - \chi(\OO_S(-F)) &= \chi(\OO_S) - \qty{\chi(\OO_S) + {F(F+K)\over 2}} &= {-FK\over 2} .\end{align*} By the same argument, $\chi(\OO_C) = {-CK\over 2} = {-FK\over 2n}$ since $C^2 = 0$. Consider the case $g(F_{\mathrm{gen}}) \geq 2$, then $\chi(\OO_C)-\chi(\OO_{F_{\mathrm{gen}}}) > 0$. Similarly when $g=1$. It remains to show smoothness. ::: :::{.lemma} If $C$ is singular, then \[ \chi_\Top(C) > 2\chi(\OO_C) .\] ::: :::{.example} Let $C$ be a cuspidal rational curve, i.e. a cubic curve with a cusp. Let $\eta: \tilde C\to C$ be its normalization, so $\tilde C = \PP^1$. Note that $\eta$ is not an algebraic isomorphism, but is a homeomorphism. Thus $\chi_\Top(C) = 2$. There is an embedding $C\injects \PP^2$ as a plane cubic, and thus a SES $\OO_{\PP^2}(-3)\to \OO_{\PP^2}\to \OO_C$ and thus $\chi(\OO_C) = 0$. ::: :::{.example} Let $C$ be a rational cubic with a node, then again $\tilde C = \PP^1$. Note that $\chi_\Top(\pt) = 1$, and by an argument deleting points in $C$ and $\tilde C$ one has $\chi_\Top(C) = 1$. Again one can argue $\chi(\OO_C) = 0$. ::: :::{.example} The general case is a combination of the two above cases, unibranch (where $\eta$ is a homeomorphism) and two branches crossing. Consider a curve with a node with $b=3$ independent tangent directions. Take the seminormalization and then normalize, which separates the node into 3 points. In the first step, the seminormalization is a homeomorphism, so $\chi_\Top$ doesn't change. In the second step, it increases by $b-1$. Let $\pi: C^{\sm}\to C$ be the seminormalization, then there is a SES \[ \OO_C\to \pi_* \OO_{C^\sm}\to Q \] where $Q$ is a skyscraper sheaf, which is nonzero if $\pi$ is not an isomorphism. Thus $\chi(\OO_C)$ increases in the first step. Similarly, for the normalization $\eta: C^\sm \to \tilde C$, there is again a SES \[ \OO_{C^{\sm}}\to \eta_* \OO_{\tilde C}\to Q' \] where $Q'$ is a skyscraper sheaf of length $b-1$. ::: :::{.remark} Fact: any proper non-isotrivial family of curves of genus $g\geq 1$ must degenerate, i.e. there must be a singular fiber. A similar statement holds for abelian varieties. For $g\geq 2$, consider $\Ag$ as a coarse space. Adding a level structure for $m\geq 3$ yields a fine space $\Ag(m)$, where a level structure is an isomorphism $A[m] \iso (\ZZ/m\ZZ)^{2g}$. This kills automorphisms. Note that for $g=1$, this is easier since $M_1 = \AA^1$ and any map from a projective to an affine variety is constant. :::