\begin{tikzpicture} \node [rounded rectangle, draw, label={[label distance=0.75em]-90: $(10,10,0)_1$}, label={[label distance=0.5em]90: $\mathbb{RP}^2, \mathrm{div} = 1$}] (w0) at (0, 0) {$E_{10}(2)$}; \node [rectangle, draw, anchor=west, label={[label distance=0.95em]-90: $(8,8,0)_0$}] (C12) at (2,0) {$E_8(2)$}; \node [rounded rectangle, draw, label={[label distance=0.75em]-90: $(10, 8, 0)_1$}, label={[label distance=0.5em]90: $\mathbb{D}^2, \mathrm{div} = 2$}] (w1) at (5, 0) {$U \oplus E_8(2)$}; \node [rectangle, draw, anchor=west, label={[label distance=0.65em]-90: $(8, 6, 0)_0$}] (C2) at (7,0) {$A_1^{\oplus 8}*$}; %%%% \draw[-latex, shorten >= 0.4em] (w0) to (C12.west); \draw[-latex, shorten >= 0.4em] (w1) to (C12.east); \draw[-latex, shorten >= 0.4em] (w1) to (C2.west); \node [rounded rectangle, draw, label={[label distance=0.75em]-90: $(9,9,1)_1$}, label={[label distance=0.5em]90: $\mathbb{D}^2, \mathrm{div} = 2$}] (p1) at (5, -5) {$\langle 2 \rangle \oplus E_8(2)$}; \node [rectangle, draw, anchor=west, label={[label distance=0.95em]-90: $(7,7,1)_0$}] (C1) at (7.1,-5) {$A_1^{\oplus 7}$}; \draw[-latex, shorten >= 0.4em] (p1) to (C1.west); \draw[-latex, shorten >= 2.4em, shorten <= 2.5em, dashed] (p1.north) to (w1.south) ; \draw[-latex, shorten >= 2.4em, shorten <= 2.5em, dashed] (C1.north) to (C2.south); \end{tikzpicture}