# Scattone's Baily Borel compactifications ## Degree $2d$ compactifications :::{.remark} The main reference for this section is \cite{scattone1987on-the-compactification-of-moduli}, which describes the Baily-Borel compactifications of $F_{2d}$. The main result of this work is to describe $\partial\bbcpt{F_{2d}}$ using lattice-theoretic techniques, giving partial cusp diagrams for certain arithmetically constrained values of $d$. In particular, it shows that the number of 1-cusps is asymptotic to $d^8$, and the number of 0-cusps is 1 when $d$ is squarefree, and otherwise is given by the function ???. Complete details are given for the cases $d=1,2$. ::: :::{.remark} One first notes that by the global Torelli theorem for algebraic K3 surfaces \cite{PSS71}, $F_{2d}$ admits a coarse space of the form $D_{L_d}/\Gamma_{L_d}$ for a certain choice of lattice $L_d$. Note that $D_{L_d}$ is a 19-dimensional bounded symmetric domain of type IV and $\Gamma_{L_d}$ is an arithmetic group acting upon it. Recall that the theory of automorphic forms realizes $\bbcpt{D_{L_d}/\Gamma_{L_d}}$ as a projective variety. If $L_d$ is the primitive cohomology of a polarized K3 surface, there is a correspondence between $n$-dimensional boundary cusps and $\Gamma_{L_d}$-orbits of $n+1$-dimensional isotropic subspaces in $L_d$. The boundary of the Baily-Borel compactification is "small" in the sense that it has very high codimension, and thus the geometric information it contains is insufficient to reconstruct a birationally unique family from a family over the punctured disc. ::: :::{.remark} A polarization of degree $2d$ on a K3 surface is a primitive divisor $H$ with $H^2 = 2d > 0$ which is pseudoample, i.e. $HD\geq 0$ for any effective $D\in \Div(X)$. A primitively polarized K3 surface is a pair $(X, H)$. Choose a marking $\phi: H^2(X; \ZZ)\to \lkt$ such that $\phi(H) = h$ where $h$ is a fixed primitive vector satisfying $h^2=2d$. So $\Orth(\lkt)$ acts transitively on the set of primitive vectors of a fixed square, such an isometry can always be found and the choice of $h$ is irrelevant. Note that $(H, \omega_X) = 0$, and thus the period of $(X, H)$ lies in $\Omega_{2d} \da \Omega_S$ for $S \da h^{\perp \lkt}$. Set $\Gamma_{2d} \da \Stab_{\Orth(\lkt)}(h)$; then $\Gamma_{2d}\actson \Omega_{2d}$ discontinuously and $\Omega_{2d}/\Gamma_{2d}$ is a normal complex analytic space which serves as a coarse space for $F_{2d}$ by \cite{PSS71,friedman1984a-new-proof}. Because any two choices of $h$ are equivalent modulo $\Orth(\lkt)$, the isomorphism class of $h^{\perp \lkt}$ depends only on $d$. Making an appropriate choice of $h$, one can identify \[ L_{2d} \da h^{\perp \lkt} \cong \gens{-2d} \oplus U^{\oplus 2} \oplus E_8^{\oplus 2} .\] One can now define the period domain as $\Omega_{2d} \da \Omega_{L_{2d}}$. This consists of two connected components interchanged by conjugation, so $\Omega_{2d} = D_{2d} \union \tilde D_{2d}$, and we fix once and for all a choice of one component which we will denote $D_{2d}$. It is well known that \[ D_{2d} \cong {\SO^0_{2, 19} \over \SO_2 \times \SO_{19} } .\] We set $\tilde \Orth(L_{2d})$ to be the image of $\Gamma_{2d}$ under the injection $\Gamma_{2d}\injects \Orth(L_{2d})$ induced by restriction -- note that this coincides with the general definition $\tilde \Orth(L) \da \ker(\Orth(L) \to \Orth(q_L))$. We set $\Orth_-(L_{2d})$ to be the index 2 subgroup that preserves the component $D_{2d}$, and $\Gamma_{2d} \da \tilde \Orth(L_{2d}) \intersect \Orth_-(L_{2d})$, we obtain identifications \[ F_{2d} \cong \Omega_{2d}/\tilde\Orth(L_{2d}) = D_{2d}/\Gamma_{2d} .\] We focus our attention on the latter definition, $F_{2d} \da D_{2d}/\Gamma_{2d}$, and more generally on compactifications of general $D/\Gamma$. ::: ## General theory :::{.remark} Let $D$ be a symmetric bounded domain and $\Gamma \leq \Aut(D)$ a discrete arithmetic subgroup of automorphisms. Equivalently, we can write $D = G(\RR)/K$ for $G$ a connected linear algebraic group defined over $\QQ$ and $K$ a maximal compact subgroup of $G(\RR)$. We then require that $\Gamma \leq G$ is arithmetic, i.e. $\Gamma \subseteq G(\QQ)$ and is commensurable with $G(\ZZ)$. We will generally define $\overline{D/\Gamma}$ as $D^*/\Gamma$ where $D \subseteq D^* \subseteq D\dual$ is a subset of the compact dual via the Borel embedding, comprised of $D$ and rational boundary components. ::: :::{.remark} Regarding $D \subseteq D\dual$, we have $\partial D = \disjoint F_i$ where each $F_i$ is a boundary component, i.e. a maximal connected complex analytic set. We set \[ N_F \da \ts{g\in G(\RR) \st gF = F} \da \Stab_{G(\RR)}(F) \] to be the stabilizer of a boundary component and note that the maximal parabolic subgroups of $G(\RR)$ are precisely those of the form $N_F$. A boundary component is rational when $N_F(\CC)$ is defined over $\QQ$. Let $B(D)$ be the set of proper rational boundary components of $D$. Then there is a bijection \begin{align*} B(D) &\mapstofrom \ts{\text{Proper maximal parabolic $\QQ$-subgroups of } G(\CC)} \\ F &\mapstofrom N_F(\CC) \end{align*} We can write \[ D^* = D\union \Disjoint_{F\in B(D)} F .\] Then $\overline{D/\Gamma} \da D^*/\Gamma$ can be written as \[ D/\Gamma \union \coprod_{[F]\in B(D)/\Gamma} V_F \] where $V_F$ are varieties and we index over orbits of rational boundary components modulo $\Gamma$. ::: :::{.remark} We can identify the $V_F$ explicitly: write $G_F \da \Stab_{G(\RR)}(F)/\Fix_{G(\RR)}(F)$ and $N_{\Gamma, F} \da \Stab_\Gamma(F)/\Fix_\Gamma(F)$, then $V_F = F/N_\Gamma(F)$. Note that in applications to K3 surfaces, we have $G(\RR) = \SO^0_{2, 19}$. In this situation, we have a correspondence \begin{align*} \partial D_L &\mapstofrom \OGr(L_\RR) \\ F &\mapstofrom E \end{align*} where $E$ corresponds to $F$ iff $\Stab_{\Orth(L_\RR)}(E) = \Stab_{G(\RR)}(F) \da N_F$. Restricting to rational boundary components corresponds to $\OGr(L_\QQ)$, which are further identified with $\OGr(L)$, the primitive isotropic sublattices of $L$. For any subgroup $\Gamma_L \leq G(\ZZ)$ we obtain a bijection \[ B(D_L)/\Gamma_L \mapstofrom \OGr(L)/\Gamma_L \] which preserves incidence relations. ::: :::{.example} As an example, one can take the symplectic form on $\ZZ^{2g}$, which yields $G(\RR) = \PP\Sp_g(\RR)$ and $D$ is the Siegel upper half space $\cH^g$. Let $\Gamma = G(\ZZ) = \PP \Sp_g(\ZZ)$ be the full Siegel modular group. Then maximal parabolic $\QQ$-subgroups of $G_\RR$ correspond to stabilizers of rational isotropic subspaces of $L_\RR$. Let $H^n \da \cH^n/\Sp_n(\ZZ)$, then $\overline{D/\Gamma} = H_g \union H_{g-1}\union \cdots \union H_1\union H_0$ coincides with the Satake compactification. Consider now the example of $F_{2d}$. Recall that $D$ is a component of $\Omega \da \ts{z\in \PP L_\CC \st z^2 = 0,\, z\bar z > 0}$ and $D\dual = \ts{z\in \PP L_\CC \st z^2 = 0}$ is a quadric. Stratify $\partial D = \partial_1 D \disjoint \partial_0 D$, noting that $\partial_0 D = D\dual \intersect \PP L_\RR$. Then all points of $\partial_0 D$ are of the form $\PP(\gens{v}_\CC)$ where $v\in L_\RR, v^2 = 0$ is isotropic. All components in $\partial_1 D$ are of the form $\PP(\gens{v, w}_\CC) \intersect \partial_1 D$ where $\gens{v, w}_\RR$ varies in $\OGr_2(L_\RR)$. Restricting to rational components, one considers $\OGr_2(L)$ instead, i.e. subspaces $E_\RR$ arising from sublattices $E \leq L$. We thus obtain bijections \begin{align*} B_0(D) &\mapstofrom \OGr_1(L) \\ \PP\gens{v}_\CC &\mapstofrom \gens{v}_\ZZ \end{align*} and \begin{align*} B_1(D) &\mapstofrom \OGr_2(L) \\ \PP\gens{v, w}_\CC \intersect \partial_1 D &\mapstofrom \gens{v, w}_\ZZ \end{align*} One can then write \begin{align*} \overline{D/\Gamma} = D/\Gamma \union \coprod_{[\gens{v}_\ZZ] \in \OGr_1(L)/\Gamma } p_v \union \coprod_{[\gens{v, w}_\ZZ] \in \OGr_2(L)/\Gamma } {\PP\gens{v, w}_\CC \intersect \partial_1 D \over N_\Gamma(\gens{v, w}_\ZZ)} \end{align*} where $N_\Gamma(E) = \Stab_\Gamma(E) / \Fix_\Gamma(E)$ can be identified with the image of $\Stab_\Gamma(E)$ in $\SL(E) \cong \SL_2(\ZZ)$. :::