[Smooth Manifolds](Smooth%20Manifolds) [LeeManifolds](Projects/Advanced%20Qual%20Projects/Geometry%20and%20Topology/Lee%20Manifolds%20Notes%20Project/LeeManifolds.md) Tags: #manifolds #exercises ## Recommended Problems > Note: helpful theorem, two smooth structures induced by two smooth atlases $\mca_1, \mca_2$ are equivalent iff $\mca_1 \union \mca_2$ is again a smooth atlas. > So it suffices to check pairwise compatibility of charts. Exercise (Problem 1.6) : Show that if $M^n\neq \emptyset$ is a topological manifold of dimension $n\geq 1$ and $M$ has a smooth structure, then it has uncountably many distinct ones. \todo{Recommended problem} > Hint: show that for any $s> 0$ that $F_s(x) \definedas \abs{x}^{s-1}x$ defines a homeomorphism $F_x: \DD^n \to \DD^n$ which is a diffeomorphism iff $s=1$. Solution: Define \begin{align*} F_s: \RR^n &\to \RR^n \\ \vector x &\mapsto \norm{\vector x}^{s-1} \vector x .\end{align*} Claim: $F_s$ restricted to $\DD^n$ is a continuous map $\DD^n \to \DD^n$. - Note that if $\norm{\vector x}\leq \eps < 1$ then $$\norm{F_s(\vector x)} = \norm{ \norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} } = \norm{\vector x}^s \leq \norm{\vector x} \leq \eps < 1,$$ so $F_s(\DD^n) \subseteq \DD^n$ and moreover $F_s(\DD_\eps^n) \subseteq \DD_\eps^n$. - We'll use the fact that $F_s\inv = F_{1\over s}$ is of the same form, and thus $F_s\inv(\DD^n) \subseteq \DD^n$, forcing $F_s(\DD^n) = \DD^n$. - This is a continuous function on the punctured disc $\DD_0^n \definedas \DD^n\setminus\theset{\vector 0}$, since it can be written as a composition of smooth functions: \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} \DD_0^n \ar[r, "\Delta"] & \DD_0^n \cross \DD_0^n \ar[r, "{(\norm{\wait}, ~\id_{\DD_0^n})}", outer sep=5pt] & \DD_0^n \cross \DD_0^n \ar[r, "{(\qty{\wait }^{s-1}, ~\id_{\DD_0^n})}", outer sep=5pt] & \DD_0^1 \cross \DD_0^n \ar[r, "{(a,b)\mapsto ab}", outer sep=5pt]& \DD_0^n \\ \vector x \ar[r] & (\vector x, \vector x) \ar[r] & (\norm{\vector x}, \vector x) \ar[r] & (\norm{\vector x}^{s-1}, \vector x)\ar[r] & \norm{\vector x}^{s-1} \vector x \end{tikzcd} \end{center} For any $s\geq 0$, continuity at zero follows from the fact that $\norm{F_s(\vector x)} \leq \norm{\vector x} \to 0$, so $\lim_{\vector x \to \vector 0}F_s(\vector x) = \vector 0$ and the sequential definition of continuity applies. So $F_s$ is continuous on $\DD^n$ for every $s$. > Here we are taking for granted the fact that taking norms, exponentiating, and multiplying are all smooth functions away from zero. Claim: $F_s$ is a bijection $\DD^n\setminus{\vector 0}\selfmap$ that extends to a bijection $\DD^n\selfmap$. We can note that \begin{align*} F_s(\vector x) = \begin{dcases} \norm{\vector x}^s{\vector x \over \norm{\vector x}} \definedas \norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} & \text{if } \norm{\vector x} \neq 0 \\ \vector 0 & \text{if } \norm{\vector x } = 0 \end{dcases} \end{align*} This follows because we can construct a two-sided inverse that composes to the identity, namely $F_{1\over s}$, for $\vector x\neq \vector 0$, and note that $F_s(\vector 0) = \vector 0$. Using the fact that $\norm{t \vector x} = t\norm{\vector x}$ for any scalar $t$, we can check that \begin{align*} \qty{F_s \circ F_{1\over s}}(\vector x) &= F_s(\norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \hat{\vector x}) \\ &= \norm{ \norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \hat{\vector x} }^{s} \cdot \hat{\norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \hat{\vector x}} \\ &= \qty{ \norm{\vector x}^{1\over s}}^s \cdot \norm{ \hat{\vector x} }^{s} \cdot { \norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \hat{\vector x} \over \norm{ \norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \hat{\vector x} } } \\ &= \norm{\vector x} \cdot 1^s \cdot \qty{\norm{\vector x}^{1\over s} \over \norm{\vector x}^{1\over s}} \cdot {\hat{\vector x} \over \norm{\hat{\vector x}} } \\ &= \norm{\vector x} \hat{\vector x} \\ &= \vector x .\end{align*} and similarly \begin{align*} \qty{F_{1\over s} \circ F_s}(\vector x) &= F_{1\over s} \qty{ \norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} } \\ &= \norm{\norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} }^{1\over s} \cdot \hat{ \norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} } \\ &= \qty{\norm{\vector x}^s}^{1\over s} \norm{\hat{\vector x} }^{1\over s} \cdot {\norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} \over \norm{ \norm{\vector x}^s \hat{\vector x} } } \\ &= \norm{\vector x} \cdot 1^{1-s} \cdot \qty{\norm{\vector x}^s \over \norm{\vector x}^s } \cdot {\hat{\vector x} \over \norm{\hat{\vector x}}} \\ &= \norm{\vector x} \hat{\vector x} \\ &= \vector x .\end{align*} Claim: $F_s$ is a homeomorphism for all $s$. This follows from the fact that the domain $\DD^n$ is compact and the codomain $\DD^n$ is Hausdorff, and a continuous bijection between such spaces is a homeomorphism. Claim: $F_s$ is a diffeomorphism iff $s=1$. If $s=1$, $F_s = \id_{\DD^n}$ which is clearly a diffeomorphism. Otherwise, we claim that $F_s$ is not a diffeomorphism because either $F_s$ or $F_s\inv$ will fail to be smooth at $\vector x = \vector 0$. - If $0\leq s < 1$, then $F_s$ fails to be differentiable at zero. \todo{Why? Should boil down to $x\mapsto x^t$ for $0\leq t< 1$ failing to be differentiable at 0 in $\RR$} - If $1j$. Show that if $i=j$, then \begin{align*} \phi_i^\pm \circ (\phi_j^\pm)\inv = \phi_i^- \circ (\phi_i^+)\inv = \id_{\DD^n} .\end{align*} Show that these yield a smooth atlas. Solution (1): - Parameterize the line through $\vector x\in S^n$ and $\vector N$: \begin{align*} \ell_{N, \vector x}(t) &= t\vector x + (1-t) \vector N \\ &= t\thevector{x^1, \cdots, x^n, x^{n+1}} + (1-t)\thevector{0, \cdots, 1} \\ &= \thevector{tx^1, \cdots, x^n, tx^{n+1} + (1-t)} \\ &= \thevector{tx^1, \cdots, x^n, 1 - t\qty{1-x^{n+1}}} \\ .\end{align*} - Evaluate at $t = {1 \over 1 - x^{n+1}}$ to obtain ${1\over x^{n+1}}\thevector{x^1, \cdots, x^n, 0} = \thevector{ \sigma(\vector x), 0}$. - For $\tilde \sigma(\vector x)$: Todo \todo{Todo}. Solution (2): - How to derive this formula: no clue. \todo{Figure out how to invert.} - Start with $\vector u \in \RR^n$, parameterize the line $\ell_{N, \vector u}(t)$, solve for where $\norm{\ell_{N, \vector u}(t)} = 1$ and $\vector u \neq N$ - Should yield $t^2 \norm{u} + (1-t)^2 = 1$, solve for nonzero $t$; should get $t = {2 \over \norm{\vector u} + 1}$, so $x^i = 2u^i/(\norm{\vector u} + 1)$ and $x^{n+1} = \qty{2 \over \norm{\vector u} + 1} -1$. - Compute compositions $\sigma \circ \sigma\inv$: Todo. \todo{Messy computations that didn't work out.} Solution (3): - Computing the transition maps: \begin{align*} (\tilde \sigma \circ \sigma\inv)(\vector u) &= -\sigma\qty{\qty{-1 \over \norm{\vector u}^2 + 1} \thevector{2u^1, \cdots, 2u^n, \norm{\vector u}^2 - 1} } \\ &= -1 \cdot \thevector{ {{ -2 u^1 \over \norm{\vector u}^2 + 1} \over 1 - {1 - \norm{\vector u}^2 \over 1 + \norm{\vector u}^2 }} , \cdots_n } \\ &= \thevector{ {2u^1 \over \norm{\vector u}^2 + 1} \cdot {1 + \norm{\vector u}^2 \over 1 + \norm{\vector u}^2 - (1 - \norm{\vector u}^2)}, \cdots_n} \\ &= \thevector{ {2u^1 \over 2\norm{\vector u}^2}, \cdots_n } \\ &= {\vector u \over \norm{\vector u}^2} \\ &\definedas \hat{\vector u} ,\end{align*} which is a smooth function on $\RR^n\setminus\theset{\vector 0}$. - Todo: computing $(\sigma \circ \tilde\sigma\inv)(\vector u) = \hat{\vector u}$\todo{Computation.} - Todo: argue that it suffices that these are smooth on $\RR^n\setminus\theset{\vector 0}$ \todo{What are the actual domains and ranges of the transition functions? It seems like you pull back $\RR^n$ to $S^n\setminus N$, then push $S^n\setminus\theset{N, S}$ to $R^n\setminus 0$, but this yields $\RR^n\to\RR^{n}\setminus 0$ where we haven't deleted zero in the domain (problem: not smooth!).} Solution (4): We want to argue that these define the same maximal smooth atlas, for which it suffices to the charts from each are pairwise smoothly compatible. - Define $\phi_i\qty{\thevector{x^1, \cdots, x^n}} = \thevector{x^1, \cdots, \hat{x^i}, \cdots, x^n}$ and $\phi_i\inv\qty{\thevector{x^1, \cdots, x^{n-1}}} = \thevector{x^1, \cdots_i, \sqrt{1 - \norm{\vector x}}, \cdots, x^n }$. - Compute $(\phi_i \circ \sigma\inv)(\vector u) = {1 \over \norm{\vector u} + 1}\thevector{2 u^1, \cdots \hat{u^i}, \cdots, 2u^n, \norm{\vector u}^2 - 1}$, which is (clearly) smooth? - Compute $(\sigma \circ \phi_i\inv)(\vector u) = \sigma\qty{\thevector{u^1, \cdots_i, \sqrt{1 - \norm{\vector u}^2}, \cdots, u^n } }$, which is ${1\over 1-u^n}\thevector{u^1, \cdots_i, \sqrt{1-\norm{\vector u}^2}, \cdots, u^{n-1}}$. - This is smooth if $u^n\neq 1$, but this corresponds to $\vector N$ in $S^2$, in which case $\phi_i\inv(\vector u)$ isn't in the domain of $\sigma$ to begin with. Exercise (Problem 1.8) : Define an *angle function* on $U\subset S^1$ as any continuous function $\theta:U\to\RR$ such that $e^{i\theta(z)} = z$ for all $z\in U$. Show that $U$ admits an angle function iff $U\neq S^1$, and for any such function $\theta$, $(U, \theta)$ is a smooth coordinate chart for $S^1$ with its standard smooth structure. Note that $f: \RR\to S^1$ given by $f(x) = e^{ix}$ is a covering map (in fact the universal cover). \todo{Some way to do this just with covering spaces?} $\implies$: - Suppose there exists an angle function $\theta: U \to \RR$. - Then $f\circ \restrictionof{\theta}{U} = \id_U$ by assumption, since $u \mapsvia{\restrictionof{\theta}{U}} \theta(u) \mapsvia{f} e^{i\theta(u)} = u$. - So $\theta$ has a left-inverse and is thus injective. - Suppose $U = S^1$, which is compact. - Then $\theta$ is an injective continuous map on a compact set, so its image $\theta(S^1) \subseteq \RR$ is compact. - Lemma: a continuous map from a compact space to a Hausdorff space is a closed map. - Since $\theta$ is injective and is surjective onto its image, since it is continuous it is a homeomorphism onto its image and $S^1 \cong \theta(S^1)$. - Since $S^1$ is connected, $\theta(S^1)$ is connected, and the only connected subsets of $\RR$ are intervals. - Since $\theta(S^1)$ is compact, it must be a closed and bounded subset, so $\theta(S^1) = [a, b] \subset \RR$. - But this forces $S^1 \cong [a, b]$ is a homeomorphism, which is a contradiction: removing one point from $S^1$ yields one connected component, while removing ${1\over 2}(b-a)$ from $[a, b]$ produces a disconnected set. $\impliedby$: - Suppose $U\neq S^1$, then there exists a point $p\in S^1\setminus U$; wlog suppose $p=1$. - Then $U \subseteq S^1\setminus\theset{1}$ - Note that $f\inv(\theset{1}) = \theset{2k\pi \suchthat k\in \ZZ}$. - Take the interval $I = [0, 2\pi]$ and set $\tilde f = \restrictionof{f}{I}$. - Since $U\neq S^1$, $\tilde f\inv(U) \subsetneq I$. - Then $\tilde f$ restricted to $f\inv(U)$ is injective, since $\tilde f$ only fails injectivity at $0, 2\pi$. - Then the restricted map $\hat f \definedas \restrictionof{f}{f\inv(U)}: f\inv(U) \to U$ is a continuous injection and surjects onto its image, thus a bijection - Claim: $\hat f$ is a homeomorphism - Define a candidate inverse $\theta = \hat f \inv: S^1 \to \RR$. - Then $f\circ \theta = \id_{S^1}$ implies $e^{i\theta(x)} = x$ for all $x\in U$. - Letting $V \subseteq f\inv(U)$ be open, we have $\theta\inv(V) = \hat f(V)$ which (claim?) is open since ??? - So $\theta$ is continuous. Alternatively: - Take $I = (0, 2\pi)$. - Then $\tilde f(I) = S^1\setminus\theset{1}$, so $U \subseteq \tilde f(I)$. - Claim: $f: S^1\setminus\theset{1} \to I$ is a homeomorphism. - Set $\theta(x) = \restrictionof{\tilde f}{I}\inv{U}(x)$; the claim is that this works. - Taking a branch cut $\theset{x + iy \suchthat x\in [0, \infty), y = 0}$ for the complex logarithm defines an inverse. \todo{How to prove?} $(U, \theta)$ is a smooth coordinate chart: - Let $\theta$ be arbitrary with $e^{i\theta(z)} = z$ and $\theta\subsetneq S^1$. - $U\subseteq S^1$ is open by assumption. - We need to show that $\theta: U \to \phi(U)$ is a homeomorphism Exercise (Problem 1.9) : Show that $\CP^n$ is a compact $2n\dash$dimensional topological manifold, and show how to equip it with a smooth structure, using the correspondence \todo{Recommended problem} \begin{align*} \RR^{2n} &\iff \CC^n \\ \thevector{x^1, y^1, \cdots, x^n, y^n} &\iff \thevector{x^1 + iy^1, \cdots, x^n + iy^n} .\end{align*}