[LeeManifolds](Projects/Advanced%20Qual%20Projects/Geometry%20and%20Topology/Lee%20Manifolds%20Notes%20Project/LeeManifolds.md) Tags: #manifolds #exercises ## Recommended Problems Exercise (3-7) : Let $p\in M$ and $C_p^\infty(M, \RR)$ be the $\RR\dash$algebra of germs of functions at $p$. Let $D_p M$ denote the vector space of derivations of $C_p^\infty(M, \RR)$. Show that the map \begin{align*} \Phi: D_p M &\to T_p M \\ \qty{\Phi_v} f &= v([f]_p) \end{align*} is an isomorphism. Solution : \hfill First, clarify that this is the map \begin{align*} \Phi: D_p M &\to T_p M \\ v &\mapsto \qty{ f \mapsto v([(f, U)]_p) } ,\end{align*} where $\Phi_v$ is the image of $v$ and $[(f, U)]$ is a germ, i.e. an equivalence class of ordered pairs. We note that $v: C_p^\infty(M) \to \RR$. For $w\in T_p M$, we have $w: C^{\infty}(M) \to \RR$, so define an inverse map \begin{align*} \Phi\inv: T_p M &\to D_p M \\ w &\mapsto \qty{ [(f, U)] \mapsto w(\tilde f) } ,\end{align*} where $\tilde f$ is to be defined. Note that $w$ can't act directly on $f$, since $f$ is only defined on a subset $U\subseteq M$ whereas $w$ needs to act on functions defined on all of $M$. So take $\tilde f: M\to \RR$ to be $f$ extended by smooth bump functions to all of $M$. Things to check: - $\Phi$ is well-defined. - $\Phi$ is linear. - $\Phi\inv$ is well-defined. - $\Phi\inv$ is linear - $\Phi \circ \Phi\inv = \id_{T_p M}$ and $\Phi\inv \circ \Phi = \id_{D_p M}$. Exercise (3-8) : Let $p\in M$ and $V_p M = \theset{\text{Curves starting at } p}/\sim$ where $\gamma_1\sim \gamma_2 \iff$ for every $f\in C^\infty(M, \RR)$, $\dd{(f\circ \gamma_1)}{t}(0) = \dd{(f\circ \gamma_2)}{t}(0)$. Show that the following map is well-defined and bijective: \begin{align*} \Psi: V_p M &\to T_p M \\ \gamma &\mapsto \dd{\gamma}{t}(0) .\end{align*}