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Zack Garza} \newcommand{\CVTitle}{Curriculum Vitae} \newcommand{\CVNote}{CV compiled on {\today}} \newcommand{\CVWebpage}{dzackgarza.com} % PDF settings and properties. \hypersetup{ pdftitle={\CVTitle}, pdfauthor={\CVAuthor}, pdfsubject={\CVWebpage}, pdfcreator={XeLaTeX}, pdfproducer={}, pdfkeywords={}, unicode=true, bookmarks=true, bookmarksopen=true, pdfstartview=FitH, pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfpagemode=UseOutlines, breaklinks} % Shorthand. \newcommand{\Code}[1]{\mbox{\textbf{#1}}} \newcommand{\CodeCommand}[1]{\mbox{\textbf{\textbackslash{#1}}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ACTUAL DOCUMENT. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TITLE BLOCK % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Title{\CVAuthor} \begin{SubTitle} \par \href{mailto:dzackgarza@gmail.com} {dzackgarza@gmail.com} \,\SubBulletSymbol\, +1\,(530)\,210-9130 \,\SubBulletSymbol\, \href{\CVWebpage} {\url{\CVWebpage}} \end{SubTitle} \begin{Body} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% EDUCATION %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Education} {Education} {PDF:Education} %%%%%%%%% PhD \Entry \href{https://www.math.University of Georgia.edu/} {\textbf{University of Georgia}} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2019}{8}{14} -- \DatestampYMD{2025}{5}{09} \Gap \BulletItem Ph.D. in Mathematics. Supervised by Valery Alexeev. \\ Thesis: \textit{Complete compact moduli spaces of Enriques surfaces and related spaces.} %%%%%%%%%% Bachelors \BigGap \Entry \href{https://www.math.ucsd.edu} {\textbf{University of California, San Diego}} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2015}{8}{1} -- \DatestampYMD{2018}{06}{17} \Gap \BulletItem B.S. in Mathematics, minor in Computer Science. \BigGap \Entry \href{https://eecs.berkeley.edu} {\textbf{University of California, Berkeley}} \textit{ (Concurrent enrollment) } \hfill \DatestampYMD{2014}{09}{01} -- \DatestampYMD{2015}{06}{15} \Gap \BigGap \Entry \href{https://www.sierracollege.edu} {\textbf{Sierra College}} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2011}{09}{01} -- \DatestampYMD{2014}{06}{15} \Gap \BulletItem A.A. in Mathematics, A.S. in Physics, A.A. in Fine Arts. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------------------------- \Section{Research Interests}{Research Interests}{PDF:Research} Algebraic geometry, complex analytic surfaces, moduli spaces, lattice theory, Coxeter groups, \\ mirror symmetry, Calabi-Yau varieties, hyperkahler geometry, GW/DT theory, derived geometry. % ------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------- \Section{Publications}{Publications}{PDF:Publications} \BulletItem \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.03638}{ \textit{Compact moduli of Enriques surfaces with a numerical polarization of degree 2.}} Preprint. \hfill Nov 2023 \\ Joint with Valery Alexeev, Philip Engel, Luca Schaffler. \Section{Other \\ Writing}{OtherWriting}{PDF:OtherWriting} \BulletItem \href{https://math.mit.edu/events/talbot/2022/Talbot_2022_notes.pdf}{Talbot workshop proceedings: scissors congruence and K-theory}. \hfill June 2022 \\ Expanded exposition of workshop talks, with added figures and citations. \vspace{2em} \Section {Selected Honors} {Awards} {PDF:Awards} \BulletItem UGA at Oxford Graduate Assistantship. \textit{(Oxford)} \hfill Summer 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2023 \BulletItem University of Georgia Capturing Science Contest, 2nd Place. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill\DatestampY{2020} \BulletItem Louise Hoffmasterand and Frank R. Etchberger Graduate Scholarship. \textit{($\times 4$, University of Georgia)} \hfill\DatestampY{2019} -- \DatestampY{2023} \BulletItem UCSD AEP Undergraduate Research Scholarship. \textit{(UCSD, Declined)} \hfill\DatestampY{2018} \BulletItem Diana C. Miles Scholarship. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill\DatestampY{2017} -- \DatestampY{2018} \BulletItem Errett Bishop Scholarship. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill\DatestampY{2016} -- \DatestampY{2017} \BulletItem Richard L. and Fern W. Erion and Laidlaw-Erion Scholarship. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill\DatestampY{2016} -- \DatestampY{2017} \BulletItem Muir College Provost Honors. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill\DatestampY{2015} -- \DatestampY{2016} \Gap %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Teaching %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Teaching}{Teaching}{PDF:Teaching} \Gap \BulletItem Calculus I. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Spring 2024 \BulletItem Complex Analysis \textit{ (Recitation, University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2023 \BulletItem Precalculus. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2023 \BulletItem Precalculus. \textit{ (2 sections, University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2022 \BulletItem Calculus I. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Spring 2022 \BulletItem Calculus I. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2021 \BulletItem Qualifying exam review courses. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Summer 2021 \\ \textit{Algebra, Topology, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis.} \BulletItem Precalculus. \textit{ (2 sections, University of Georgia) } \hfill Spring 2021 \BulletItem Precalculus. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2020 \BulletItem Qualifying exam review courses. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Summer 2020 \\ \textit{Algebra, Topology, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis.} \BulletItem Calculus I. \textit{ (Recitation, University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2019 \BulletItem Math department study hall tutoring. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2019 -- Spring 2025 % ------------------------------------- \Section{Service and Outreach}{Service}{PDF:Service} % ------------------------------------- \BulletItem Co-organizer, \href{https://sites.google.com/view/grootopology}{GROOT}. \textit{(seminar series)} \hfill Summer 2023 \BulletItem Treasurer, Student Chapter of the AMS. \textit{(University of Georgia)} \hfill Fall 2022--Spring 2023 \BulletItem Organizer, Mock AMS Conference. \textit{(University of Georgia)} \hfill Summer 2021 \BulletItem Co-organizer, Graduate Student Seminar. \textit{(University of Georgia)} \hfill Spring 2021 -- Spring 2023 \BulletItem Organizer, \href{https://dzackgarza.com/GOSS/2021/}{GOSS. (seminar series)} \hfill Summer 2021 \BulletItem Co-organizer, \href{https://dzackgarza.com/GOATS_2020/}{GOATS. (conferences, 3 iterations)} \hfill Summer 2020 \BulletItem President, Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students. \textit{(UC San Diego)} \hfill\DatestampY{2016} -- \DatestampY{2018} \BulletItem Officer, Mathematics Club. \textit{(Sierra College)} \hfill \DatestampY{2013} -- \DatestampY{2014} \Section{Mentorship}{Mentorship}{PDF:Mentorship} \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{Representation Theory}. \hfill Spring 2024 \\ \textit{Student: Hugh Cunningham} \BulletItem Complex analysis qualifying exam review sessions. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Fall 2023, Spring 2022 \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{Hodge theory}. \hfill Fall 2023 \\ \textit{Student: Hugh Cunningham} \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{Generatingfunctionology}. \hfill Fall 2022 \\ \textit{Student: Sage Bobrow-Goss} \BulletItem Algebra/Topology/Analysis qualifying exam review sessions. \textit{ (University of Georgia) } \hfill Spring 2022 \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{Fourier analysis}. \hfill Spring 2022 \\ \textit{Student: Joshua Konfrst} \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{Diophantine geometry, introductory algebraic number theory}. \hfill Fall 2021 \\ \textit{Student: Sage Bobrow-Goss} \BulletItem Directed reading program: \textit{$L$-functions, the prime number theorem}. \hfill Summer 2021 \\ \textit{Student: Aaron Cofer} \BulletItem Workshop: Mathematics Subject GRE. \textit{(UCSD)} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2019}{03}{15} \BulletItem Workshops: Intermediate \LaTeX. \textit{(7 iterations, UCSD)} \hfill 2016--2017 \BulletItem Workshops: Functional programming in Haskell. \textit{ (3 iterations, UCSD)} \hfill 2016--2017 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Workshops and Talks %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Selected Talks} {Talks} {PDF:Talks} \BulletItem 2024 AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Florida State University. \\ \textit{Compact moduli of numerically polarized degree 2 Enriques surfaces} \hfill \DatestampYM{2024}{3} \\ \BulletItem 2024 AGNES, Boston College. \\ \textit{Compact moduli of degree two polarized Enriques surfaces} \hfill \DatestampYM{2024}{3} \\ \BulletItem Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Algebraic Geometry Seminar. \\ \textit{Compact moduli of numerically polarized degree 2 Enriques surfaces} \hfill \DatestampYM{2024}{3} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Algebraic Geometry Seminar. \\ \textit{Compact moduli of Enriques surfaces via ``folding'' K3 moduli data} \hfill \DatestampYM{2024}{2} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Graduate Student Seminar. \\ \textit{Hodge and lattice-theoretic compactifications of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces} \hfill \DatestampYM{2023}{2} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Fukaya categories reading seminar.\\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/2022-09-20-Fukaya-Talk.pdf}{$A_\infty$ categories and defining the Fukaya category} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2022}{12} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, oral exams.\\ \textit{Engel's proof of Looijenga’s conjecture via integral-affine geometry} \hfill \DatestampYM{2022}{10} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Number Theory Reading Seminar. \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/2022-07-28_University of Georgia_ReadingGroup_AG.pdf}{Applications of Torelli: Faltings’ proof of the Mordell conjecture.} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2022}{06} \\ \BulletItem 2022 MIT Talbot Workshop on Scissors Congruence and $K$-Theory. \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/Annihilator_of_Lefschetz_Talk8.pdf}{The annihilator of the Lefschetz motive.} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2022}{05} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Graduate Student Seminar.\\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/2022-02-23_University of Georgia_GSS_Derived_Geometry.pdf}{An introduction to derived geometry} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2022}{02} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Graduate Student Topology Seminar. \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/Cohomology_Operations_Fall2021.pdf}{Betz-Cohen's graph moduli spaces and cohomology operations.} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{11} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, Number Theory reading seminar. \\ \textit{Catalan’s Conjecture, the cases $q=p=2$} \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{11} \\ \BulletItem 2021 Mock AMS conference, University of Georgia. \\ \textit{Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces and zeta values} \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{11} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia, $J$-holomorphic curves reading seminar.\\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/GW_Talk1_3_3_Regularity.pdf}{Regularity for $J$-holomorphic curves.} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{06} \\ \BulletItem \href{https://www.daniellitt.com/crag}{{CRAG seminar, University of Georgia} } \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/CRAAG_July_2021_Grothendieck_Algebraic_deRham.pdf}{On the de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties.}} \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{07} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia. \\ \textit{ Sarkar-Wang’s algorithm to compute Heegaard-Floer homology} \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{05} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/University of Georgia_GSS_2020_03_29.pdf}{An overview of stable homotopy theory.} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{03} \\ \BulletItem \href{https://www.math.purdue.edu/~pvankoug/spectra/index.html}{\textit{Stable homotopy seminar}}. \\ \textit{ \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGoguCm0nJg&list=PL2CKWJCxPcYB2YQ9qCmCIGV9b2azLEeOZ}{Constructing the Adams spectral sequence} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{03} \\ \BulletItem \href{https://www.math.purdue.edu/~pvankoug/spectra/index.html}{\textit{Stable homotopy seminar}}. \\ \textit{ \href{https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL2CKWJCxPcYB2YQ9qCmCIGV9b2azLEeOZ&v=U69FWhcn7ro&feature=youtu.be}{Homotopy groups of spectra} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2021}{03} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{Morse Theory and Floer Homology}, multiple talks \hfill \DatestampYM{2020}{08} \\ \BulletItem 2020 Mock AMS conference, University of Georgia. \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/07-31-2020-Mock-AMS/TopAndAGSlides.html#/title-slide}{Classification theorems in topology and geometry} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2020}{07} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/HomotopyGroupsOfSpheres.pdf}{Homotopy groups of spheres} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2020}{04}\\ \BulletItem \href{https://www.daniellitt.com/crag}{{CRAG seminar, University of Georgia} } \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/talks/DZG_CRAG_Weil_Conjectures.pdf}{Zeta functions and the Weil conjectures} } \hfill \DatestampYM{2020}{02}\\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{ The Arnold conjecture: periodic orbits in symplectic geometry.} \hfill \DatestampYM{2020}{02}\\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{ Poincaré conjectures and the Kervaire invariant one problem.} \hfill \DatestampYM{2019}{10} \\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{ Spectral sequences: a primer. } \hfill \DatestampYM{2019}{10}\\ \BulletItem University of Georgia \\ \textit{Singular, simplicial, de Rham, and Čech cohomology } \hfill \DatestampYM{2019}{09}\\ \BulletItem University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{Homotopy and the Hopf fibration} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2018}{06}{04} \\ \BulletItem Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/assets/pdfs/research/ResearchPoster.pdf}{Spectral sequences and higher homotopy groups of spheres}} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2018}{05}{01} \\ \BulletItem University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{Topological fixed point theorems} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2018}{03}{01} \\ \BulletItem University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{Homology and the snake lemma} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2017}{11}{01} \\ \BulletItem University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{Algebraic geometry: a historical primer} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2017}{10}{01} \\ \BulletItem University of California, San Diego. \\ \textit{Introduction to category theory} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2016}{10}{01}, \DatestampYMD{2016}{11}{01}, \DatestampYMD{2017}{1}{01} \\ \BulletItem Sierra College. \\ \textit{The combinatorics of graphs and trees} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2014}{05}{01} \\ \Section {Misc.} {Misc.} {PDF:Misc} \BulletItem Expository writing and open-source collection of course notes in \LaTeX: \\ \href{https://dzackgarza.com/writing/}{https://dzackgarza.com/writing/} \end{Body} \end{document}