simple-resume-cv ================ Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX. **Compiled sample document:**
[CV.pdf]( **Sample pages (click to enlarge):** CV-01 CV-02 CV-03 ## Main Features - Simple template that can be further customized or extended. - Template document contains numerous examples. - Direct support for TrueType (TTF) and OpenType (OTF) fonts. - Direct support for multilingual Unicode characters, with the appropriate fonts. - Hyperlinks can be included in generated PDF. ## Overview The main XeLaTeX source file is `CV.tex`; the compiled document is `CV.pdf`. Instructions for compiling the document (TeX →(XeLaTeX)→ PDF): - **Method 1:** Use `latexmk` for fully automated document generation: - `latexmk -xelatex "CV.tex"` (add the `-pvc` switch to automatically recompile on changes) - **Method 2:** Use `XeLaTeX` directly: - `xelatex "CV.tex"` (run multiple times to resolve cross-references if needed) ## License This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. For more information, please see the file `LICENSE` or refer to . ## Recent Changes - Release v3.0 - Provides better support for other packages (e.g., biblatex) by removing the use of the longtable package for layout. - Note that this release introduces breaking changes; documents created using earlier releases of this template will need some minor changes to compile successfully.