Tags: #projects/research #projects/active # Geometric and Topological Recursion ## General - [Survey paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1103.4674.pdf) - ![](attachments/PhDthesis.pdf) - [Defining the WP form](http://www2.math.umd.edu/~wmg/SymplecticNature.pdf) ## Topological and Geometric Recursion - Good overview: - MIRZAKHANI on Weil-Petersson volumes and intersection theory on $\MM_{g, n}$ - Eynard's overview of topological recursion: - Mini-course on topological and geometric recursion: # Definitions :::{.definition title="Hermitian Metric"} A **Hermitian metric** is a smoothly varying Hermitian inner product on tangent spaces, so $g(z, w) = \bar{g(w, z)}$, like the inner product on a Hilbert space over $\CC$. - More generally, for any $E\in \VectBundle\slice{\CC}$, a smooth section $\Gamma(E, \tensor \bar{E})\dual$. - Analog of self-adjointness, since for matrices $A$ is Hermitian iff $A = A^\dagger \da \bar{A^t}$. ? :::