#projects/my-talks #homotopy # Homotopy Theory and the Hopf Fibration ## Introduction - Who am I? - Explain ties to undergraduate research ## Algebraic Topology - Homeomorphisms and classification - Partition of $\mathbf{Top}$ into homeomorphism types - Measure holes in spaces - Why it's interesting to study - Understanding + classification - Some practical applications - Topological data anaylsis - given an incomplete sample, can we determine holes in the data set? (i.e. where data is not generated) - Sensor networks - find holes in covered regions - The method of algebraic invariants ## Homotopy Theory - What is a homotopy - Homotopy equivalence of spaces - Partition of $\mathbf{Top}$ into homotopy types - Weak equivalences - Homotopy category - Obtained by 'localizing' at weak equivalences - Categorical version, recover module localization by localizing at multiplication maps # Fibrations - Use in homotopy theory (algebraic side) - The homotopy lifting property + uniqueness - Allows pushing homotopies upstairs - Use: covering space theory - Every map can be replaced by a fibration - $X \to_f Y$ factors through $M_f = X \times I \cup_f Y$ via a homotopy equivalence - See diagram for $M_f$, can also interpret it as the pullback of the endpoint map on $Y$, i.e. $Y^I \to Y, \gamma \mapsto \gamma(1)$. - Fibrations induce LES in homotopy - Modern categorical work: - Follows late work of Grothendieck (~1990) - Model categories, defined by weak equivalences and (co)fibrations - Generalizes both homotopy theory and homological algebra - Derived and $(\infty, n)$ categories for small $n$ (See Jacob Lurie's work) - Homotopy hypothesis, a categorical equivalence between $\mathbf{Top}$ and $\infty\mathbf{Groupoid}$ - Use on the geometric side: Fiber Bundles - Fibration, but drop uniqueness and add local triviality - Locally a product: see cylinder vs mobius strip - Most immediately useful applications: vector bundles. Most canonical example: tangent bundle on a manifold - Tangent space at a point: think of circle in $\mathbb{R}^3$ now, a tangent vector at a point is somewhere on a line. Rotate up for a cylinder - More generally: a plane touching a blob - Allows doing calculus: if $f: M \to N$ is a $C^1$ function, then one can define the derivative as $DF: TM \to TN$ - Interlude on why Manifolds are important (more than just theoretically) - Random sampling: can suppose that the underlying dimension has a manifold structure - Nonlinear fitting: instead of fitting to a line or projecting to nearby planes, fit to an arbitrary smooth shape - Dimensionality reduction: replace PCA, Linear Discriminant Analysis, etc with projections onto a low dimensional manifold - Currently making it's way into machine learning, see [http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/manifold.html](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/manifold.html) - 3D printing: every object needs to be a manifold! - Classifying bundles: another way to distinguish spaces - Classifications turn up in homology - see $\mathbb{Z}_2$ in relation to $\RR \to M \to S^1$ - Continues spirit of Klein's Erlangeng program - classify geometries by associated automorphism groups - A section of a vector bundle is just a vector field - classifying sections yields number of independent vector fields - Yields results like the hairy ball theorem: there is no non-vanishing tangent vector field on $S^2$ - Also yields a method of studying connections on bundles (important in physics) ## The Hopf Fibration - $S^1 \to S^3 \to S^2$ - A family of circles, parameterized by a sphere - The hopf map is $S^3 \to S^2$, and the preimage of a point on $S^2$ is circles - A nontrivial bundle, i.e. $S^3 \neq S^1 \times S^2$ (different homotopy groups) - Stereographic projection - See image/diagram - How do you get the map? - Identify $\mathbb{R}^4 = \mathbb{C}^2$ and $\mathbb{R}^3 = \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{C}$ and cook up a map $(z_1, z_2) \mapsto (z_3, r)$ - Then check all points in image have norm 1, so are on $S^2 \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ - Then check preimage of a point, find any two points in preimage are related by a phase, so are on a circle - Visualization: [http://philogb.github.io/page/hopf/](http://philogb.github.io/page/hopf/) - Explain that this is stereographic projection from $S^3$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$ - Visualization: [https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MstfDs](https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MstfDs) - Explain inner torus - Move a point around $S^2$ and look at all of the preimage circles - generates an intertwined torus (after projection) - Explain larger space-filling foliations - Move points away from center of $S^2$ - Not nullhomotopic! - Can suspend to yield generators of stable homotopy groups, important for studying cobordism ## Interesting Results - $\pi_3(S^2) = \mathbb{Z}$ - Huge surprise! Mathematicians did not expect any nontrivial higher homotopy groups - ![asdsa](attachments/homotopyGroupsStabilize%201.png) - Compute using spectral sequence $F \to E \to B$ a fibration results in $$E_2^{p,q} = H^p(B, H^q(F; G)) = H^p(B;G) \tensor H^q(F; G)$$ - ![](attachments/838f4c41e48b25a7bed35abc7e7d950e_1%201.svg) - $\pi_4(S^2) = \mathbb{Z}_2$ - $\pi_{\geq 3} S^3 = \pi_{\geq 3} S^2$ - How to compute