--- date: 2021-09-12 tags: [ web/quick-notes ] --- # 2021-09-12 Tags: #homotopy/homological-stability #lie-theory ## $\FI\dash$modules (23:45) > Reference: [Church-Ellenberg-Farb](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.4533.pdf) - #open/problems : what are the [characters](characters.md) of representations for $S_n$ acting on certain vector spaces: - $H^*(\Conf_n(X))$ - $H^*(\mg)$ and its tautological ring $R^*(\mg)$ - Smallest subrings of [Chow](Chow%20ring.md) closed under [pushforward](pushforward.md) by forgetful/gluing maps between various $\mgn$. - Can push through the [cycle class map](cycle%20class%20map), unknown these are isomorphic. - Can get a surjection $\QQ[\kappa_i] \to H^*(\mgn)$ for degree high enough. ![](attachments/2021-09-12_23-57-48.png) - Main result: dimensions of representation stabilize. - Sequence of $S_n\dash$reps converted into a single $\FI\dash$module. - $\mods{\FI} \da F\in \Fun(\FI, \mods{k})$. - Any $\FI\dash$module provides a linear action $\Endo_{\FI}(n) = S_n$. - Gradings: functors from $\NN\to \mods{k}$.