--- date: 2021-11-03 modification date: Sunday 15th May 2022 16:18:05 title: "2021-11-03-quick_note" aliases: [2021-11-03-quick_note] --- Last modified date: <%+ tp.file.last_modified_date() %> --- - Tags: - #web/quick-notes - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - #todo/create-links --- # 2021-11-03 ## 15:09 > UGA AG Seminar: Eloise Hamilton #projects/notes/seminars - GIT: $G$ a [reductive](Unsorted/Borel.md) group (trivial [unipotent radical](Unsorted/Borel.md)), $G\actson X$ a projective variety, a lift of the action to an [[ample]] line bundle $\mcl \to X$ so that $G$ "acts on functions on $X$". - Define [[GIT quotient]] as $X\gitquot G\da \Proj \bigoplus _{i\geq 0} H^*(X; \mcl\tensorpowerk{i} )^G$, where by Hilbert if $G$ is reductive then the invariants are finitely generated. - Making GIT work more generally in non-reductive settings: adding a $\GG_m$ grading seems to fix most issues! - Definition: $H = U\semidirect R\in \Alg\Grp$ linear with $U$ unipotent and $R$ reductive is **internally graded** if there is a 1-parameter subgroup $\lambda: k\units \to Z(R)$ such that the adjoint action of $\lambda(k\units)\actson \Lie U$ (the Lie algebra) has strictly positive weights. - Of interest: the [hyperbolicity conjecture](hyperbolicity%20conjecture). Call a projective variety over $\CC$ **Brody hyperbolic** if any entire holomorphic map $\CC\to X$ is constant. - Kobayashi #open/conjectures (1970): any generic hypersurface $X \subseteq \PP^{n+1}$ of degree $d_n \gg 1$ is Brody hyperbolic. - Griffiths-Lang #open/conjectures (1979): any projective variety $X$ of general type is weakly Brody hyperbolic. - **Theorem**, Riedl-Young 2018: if for all $n$ there exists a $d_n$ such that GL holds for generic hypersurfaces of degree $d\geq d_n$, then the Kobayashi conjecture is true for them. - $\hat U$ theorem can be used in situations addressed by classical GIT, e.g. curves, vector bundles or sheaves, [[Higgs bundles]], [[quiver representations]], etc. - There is a notion of [[semistability]] in classical situations, and this allows defining moduli for unstable things. - Really gives a moduli space parameterizing "stable" objects of a fixed instability type. - Gives a stratification by instability types. ## 16:23 - [[Prismatic cohomology]]: a \(p\dash \)adic analog of [[crystalline cohomology]] - Carries a Frobenius action. - $H^i_{\prism}(\mathfrak{X}\slice{ \mathfrak{S} })$ is finitely generated over $\mathfrak{S} = W\formalpowerseries{u}$, some Witt ring? - $\phi_{\prism}$ is a semilinear operator. - Any torsion must be $p\dash$power torsion, i.e. $H^i_{\prism}(\mfX \slice{ \mfS })_{\tors} = H^i_{\prism}(\mfX\slice \mfS)[p^{\infty}]$. - The pathological bits in all integral \(p\dash \)adic Hodge theories come from $H^i_{\prism}(\mfX\slice{\mfS})[u^{\infty}]$. - To study finite flat $p\dash$power group schemes, study their Dieudonne modules ## 19:43 Idk I just like this: ![](figures/2021-11-03_19-44-08.png)