--- created: 2022-02-13T20:29 updated: 2023-04-12T12:48 title: L infty algebra aliases: ["L infty algebra", "L_infty algebra", "L_infty", "L infty", DGLA] --- --- - Tags - #todo/untagged - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [A_infty](Unsorted/A_infty.md) - [Maurer-Cartan](Maurer-Cartan.md) - [Chevalley-Eilenberg complex](Unsorted/Chevalley-Eilenberg%20complex.md) - [BRST](BRST) - [Lie algeberoid](Lie%20algeberoid.md) - [BV formalism](Unsorted/BV%20algebra.md) - [DGA](DGA.md) --- # L infty algebra Generalizes [A_infty](A_infty.md) algebras from multiplications to brackets. DGLAs are a special case of $L_\infty$ algebras. ![](2023-03-31-64.png) ![](2023-03-31-71.png) [Maurer-Cartan](Maurer-Cartan.md) element and relation to DGLAs: ![](2023-03-31-72.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31.png) As an alternative to $Q\dash$manifolds: ![](attachments/2023-03-31-1.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-2.png) - The role of zero locus of $Q$ is played by the space of solutions of Maurer-Cartan (MC) equation: $$ \sum_{n} \frac{1}{n !} \mu_{n}(a, \ldots, a)=0 . $$ - For [A_infty algebras](Unsorted/A_infty%20algebra.md), the role of equations of motion is played by the MC equation $$ \sum_{n \geq 1} \mu_{n}(a, \ldots, a)=0 $$ - An $L_{\infty}$ algebra specifies a classical system and $L_{\infty}$ algebra with invariant odd inner product specifies a Lagrangian classical system. - A $\mathbb{Z}$-graded $L_{\infty}$-algebra in [BV formalism](BV%20formalism) corresponds to the case when the fields are classified according to the ghost number. - An $\mathrm{L}_{\infty}$ algebra where all operations $\mu_{n}$ with $n \geq 3$ vanish can be identified with differential graded Lie algebra (the operation $\mu_{1}$ is the differential, $\mu_{2}$ is the bracket). - An $\mathrm{L}_{\infty}$ algebra corresponding to a dg Lie algebra with zero differential is $\mathbb{Z}$-graded. - Considering gauge theories for all $\U_n$ at the same time: it is more convenient to work with $\mathrm{A}_{\infty}$ instead of $\mathrm{L}_{\infty}$ algebras. See [A_infty](Unsorted/A_infty.md). # Derived brackets ![](attachments/2023-03-31-3.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-4.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-5.png)