--- kanban-plugin: basic created: 2023-03-27T14:36 updated: 2023-03-27T14:36 --- ## Unstarted - [ ] Paper: [[STABLE PAIR COMPACTIFICATION OF MODULI OF K3 SURFACES OF DEGREE 2]] - [ ] Paper: [[Dolgachev-Keum '04. Finite groups of symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces in positive characteristic]] - [ ] Paper: [[A Complete Moduli Space for K3 Surfaces of Degree 2 Shah]] ## Skimmed - [ ] Paper: [[MIRROR SYMMETRIC COMPACTIFICATIONS OF MODULI SPACES OF K3 SURFACES WITH A NONSYMPLECTIC INVOLUTION]] - [ ] Paper: [[Finite groups of automorphisms of K3 surfaces and the Mathieu group Mukai]] - [ ] Talk: [[HH as Categorical Deformations Draft 1]] - [ ] Notes: [[Advising Week of Mar 27]] ## Notes/Highlights/Annotations Done - [ ] Paper: [[Compact Moduli of K3 Surfaces with a Nonsymplectic Automorphism]] ^x79cp0 - [ ] Paper: [[Coxeter Diagrams of 2-Elemtentary K3 Surfaces of Genus 0, and Beyond]] - [ ] Talk: [[Drinfeld Summary Notes]] ## Summarized/Flashcarded **Complete** - [x] [[Videos Class Field Theory Pete Clark]] ## Exposited **Complete** *** ## Archive - [x] Videos: Class Field Theory %% kanban:settings ``` {"kanban-plugin":"basic"} ``` %%