# The Adams Spectral Sequence > 6/21 The Adams spectral sequence ## References - - - - - - - - - ## Notes > Note from Paul: People describe it as Ext in $\comod{\steenrod\dual}$ rather than (equivalently) in $\mod{\steenrod}$. The difference: $\steenrod$ is a free graded commutative algebra, which is easier to use than graded cocommutativity of $\steenrod\dual$. Maybe say a bit about $\comod{A}$ for $A\in\HopfAlg$. - Basic motivation: buff up the Serre spectral sequence, but only work stably. - Big question: what is $[X, Y]\in \Ab$? Start by understanding its $p\dash$torsion. - Apply the functor $H^*(\wait) := H^*(\wait; \FF_p)$ to get $\Hom_{\Vect_{/\FF_p}}(H^* X, H^* Y)$. - Find extra module structure on this Hom: module over $\mca$ the Steenrod algebra - Take derived functors to get $\Ext_{\mca}^*( H^*X, H^* Y)$. - Applications - Compute $\pi_* \SS \tensor \ZZpadic$ - Original use by Adams: Hopf Invariant One. Which $\RR^n$ are division algebras? - Thom isomorphism theorem