--- date: 2022-02-23 18:45 modification date: Friday 1st April 2022 21:54:46 title: "cohomolology theory" aliases: [extraordinary cohomolology theory, extraordinary cohomolology theories, generalized cohomolology theory, generalized cohomolology theories, cohomolology theory, cohomolology theories] --- Last modified date: <%+ tp.file.last_modified_date() %> --- - Tags - #homotopy/stable-homotopy - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [complex oriented cohomology theory](Unsorted/complex%20oriented%20cohomology%20theory.md) - [Representing cohomology](Representing%20cohomology.md) - The main examples: - [topological K theory](Unsorted/topological%20K%20theory.md) - [bordism](Unsorted/cobordism.md) - [spectra](Unsorted/spectra.md) - [Representing cohomology](Unsorted/Representing%20cohomology.md) --- # cohomolology theory - When does a cohomology theory admit a ring structure? Or a [DGA](differential%20graded%20algebras)? #todo/questions - Cohomology theories: Write $\Map(X,Y)$ for the mapping spectrum defined by the adjunction $[Z,\Map(X,Y)] = [Z\smashprod X,Y]$, then $$ E^n(X) = \pi_{-n}\Maps(\Sigma^\infty X, \EE) \qquad E_n(X) = \pi_n(\Sigma^\infty X \smashprod \EE) = \SHC(\SS, \Sigma^\infty X \smashprod \EE) $$ # Motivation The basic result is [cofiber sequence](cofiber%20sequence.md) to long exact sequences and has a [suspension](suspension) isomorphism and takes wedges to products, then this is represented by a sequence of spaces $\left\{{E_n}\right\}$ with weak equivalences $E_n \cong \Omega E_{n+1}$ coming from the existence of the suspension isomorphism and the [Yoneda lemma](). Conversely, given a sequence of spaces $\left\{{E_n}\right\}$ with maps $\Sigma E_n\to E_{n+1}$, you can cook up a cohomology theory. This means that one can do some formal manipulations inside the category of [spectra](spectra.md) and produce lots of different cohomology theories, even ones that have no geometric interpretation a priori. For example, there is a cohomology theory called [TMF](TMF) which has (as of now) no geometric interpretation, but can detect many nontrivial maps between spheres, and can even be used to prove results in [number theory](number%20theory.md). We see that self maps $E\to E$ of a [cohomology operation](Unsorted/cohomology%20operations.md) by cooking up maps of spectra. There's even a machine, [Adams spectral sequence](Archive/0200_Stable%20Homotopy%20Seminar%202021/Adams%20Sseq.md), which computes all maps between spectra. You can take the homotopy groups of a cohomology theory. # Multiplicative We say that a cohomology theory $E$ is **multiplicative** if its representing spectrum is endowed with a multiplication $E^{\wedge 2}\to E$ that is associative and unital up to homotopy, i.e. a [ring spectrum](Unsorted/ring%20spectra.md). # Oriented cohomology theories See [complex oriented cohomology theory](complex%20oriented%20cohomology%20theory.md) # Extracting cohomology from a spectrum - Reduced cohomology associated to a spectrum: $$ \tilde{E}^{k}(X)=\operatorname{colim}_{n}\left[S^{\smashprod n}\smashprod X, E_{k+n}\right] $$ # Unsorted After a lot of hard work (with some of the bigger names including Adams, Milnor, and Quillen, though I am leaving a lot of important names out) it is discovered, starting from almost pure calculation, that the stable homotopy category has a connection to the category of 1-dimensional [formal groups](Unsorted/Formal%20group.md) via the study of [characteristic classes](Unsorted/characteristic%20class.md) Each generalized cohomology theory determines some amount of [formal group](formal%20group.md) data via things like [BP](BP) theory and the [Ravenel conjectures](Ravenel%20conjectures). Reduced cohomology associated to a [spectrum](Unsorted/spectra.md): $$ \tilde{E}^{k}(X)=\operatorname{colim}_{n}\left[S^{\smashprod n}\smashprod X, E_{k+n}\right] $$ [Freudenthal suspension](Freudenthal%20suspension) realized by a weak equivalence of [Eilenberg-MacLane spaces](Unsorted/Eilenberg-MacLane%20spaces.md): ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220401215352.png) Relation to [cohomology operations](cohomology%20operations): ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220401215422.png) Relation to [Steenrod operations](Unsorted/Steenrod%20algebra.md): ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220401215445.png)