--- date: 2022-01-15 21:49 modification date: Sunday 13th February 2022 16:35:01 title: compact object of a category aliases: [compact object of a category, compact, compactly generated, generators of a category, "generated", "generator", "generating object", "compact generators", "compactly generated", "compact generator"] --- --- - Tags - #higher-algebra/category-theory #lie-theory - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [Balmer spectrum](Unsorted/Balmer%20spectrum.md) - [thick subcategory](thick%20subcategory.md) - [modern category theory](Unsorted/modern%20category%20theory.md) - [conservative functor](Unsorted/conservative%20functor.md) - [Grothendieck category](Grothendieck%20category.md) --- # compact object of a category $\cat{C}(X, \wait)$ preserves filtered colimits, so $\colim C(X, Y_i) \iso C(X, \colim Y_i)$. Idea: ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220317230918.png) Motivations: - Compact objects of the [derived category](derived%20category.md) are typically easier to construct as we may extend them over [open immersions](Unsorted/open%20immersion%20of%20schemes.md) using **Thomason’s localization theorem** - $\derivedcat{\Coh(X)}_\qc$ (the unbounded derived category of $\OO_X\dash$modules with [quasicoherent cohomology](quasicoherent%20cohomology)) is compactly generated when $X\in\Sch$ is [quasicompact](quasicompact) and [separated](Unsorted/separated.md). - Coherence: ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220323190736.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220323190747.png) # Definitions - For [infinity categories](Unsorted/infinity%20categories.md) - An object $X \in \cat{C}$ is **compact** iff $\operatorname{Map}_{\cat{C}}(X,\wait)\in \Cat(\cat C, \Set)$ preserves filtered homotopy colimits. - $\cat C$ is **compactly generated** iff there is an equivalence $\cat C \homotopic \cat \Ind(\cat D)$ for some $\cat D \in \inftycat$ small. - For [locally small](locally%20small) categories: - An object $X \in \cat{C}$ is **compact** iff $\operatorname{Map}_{\cat{C}}(X,\wait)\in \Cat(\cat C, \Set)$ preserves filtered colimits. - $\cat C$ is **compactly generated** iff the following non-degeneracy condition holds: setting $F_X(\wait) \da \Map_{\cat C}(X, \wait)$, if $F_X(M) =0$ for all compact $X$ then $M=0$. - For [triangulated categories](Unsorted/triangulated%20categories.md): - An object $X\in \cat C$ is **compact** iff homs commute with arbitrary direct sums, i.e. $$\bigoplus_{i\in I} \cat{C}\qty{X, Y_i} \iso \cat{C}\qty{X, \coprod_{i\in I} Y_i}$$ - An object $X$ is a **generator** if every object $Y\in \cat{C}$ is a cokernel of the form $$ \coker \left( X\sumpower{n} \to X\sumpower{m} \right) \iso Y, \qquad \iff \exists\quad X\sumpower{n} \to X\sumpower{m} \to Y \ $$ - $\cat C$ is **compactly generated** iff there is a set of compact objects $S$ such that for every $S \in \cat{S}$, $\cat{C}\complex{(S, X)} = 0 \implies X=0$. # Examples - **Warning**: a compactly generated triangulated category need not have a compact generator! - Note that finite colimits of compact objects are again compact - In $\Set$, compact objects are finite sets - In $\Top$, compact objects are finite sets with the discrete topology. - in $\rmod$, compact objects are finitely presented modules - $\Spaces\in \inftycat$ is compactly generated - Categories of module spectra over an $\EE_1\dash$rings have a compact generator, namely the free module of rank 1. - Proving an infinity category is compactly generated: exhibit it as a siftted-colimit completion. - A well-known fact: for $X\in \Sch\slice S$ quasicompact and separated, $\derivedcat{\mods{\OO_X}}_\qc$ the derived category of quasicoherent $\OO_X\dash$modules has a compact generator. - Full subcategories of compact objects form a [thick subcategory](Unsorted/thick%20subcategory.md). # Compact Generation ## For [infty-categories](Unsorted/infinity%20categories.md) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220318104706.png) ## For [triangulated categories](Unsorted/triangulated%20categories.md) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220323191712.png) # Misc ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220325164212.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220325164459.png)