--- date: 2022-04-16 21:40 modification date: Saturday 16th April 2022 21:40:33 title: "examples of etale fundamental groups" aliases: [examples of etale fundamental groups] --- Last modified date: <%+ tp.file.last_modified_date() %> --- - Tags: - #todo/untagged - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [profinite completion](Unsorted/profinite%20completion.md) --- # examples of etale fundamental groups - $\pi_1 X = 1$ for - $\AA^1\slice \CC$ - $\AA^1\slice \ZZ$ - $\PP^1\slice \ZZ$ - $\spec \ZZ$ - $\spec \ZZ[i]$ - $\spec k$ for $k=\kbar$. - $\spec \CC[x,y]/\gens{y^2-x^3}$, - $\pi_1 X = \hat{\ZZ}$ for $X = \cdots$ - $\GG_m{}\slice k$ - $\spec \ZZpadic$ - $\spec \ZZ[x]/\gens{x^6-1}$, - $\CC\fls{t}$ - $\spec \CC[x,y]/\gens{y^2-x^3-x^2}$, - $\spec k$ for $k= \FF_q$ any finite field. - $\pi_1 X = C_2$ for - $X = \spec \ZZ[\sqrt{-3}], \spec \ZZ[\sqrt{-5}], \spec \RR$ - For $X = \GG_{m}{}\slice k = \spec k[x,x\inv]$, $$\pi_1^\et(X) = \hat\ZZ,$$the [profinite integers](Unsorted/profinite%20integers.md). - For $E\in \Ell\slice \QQ$ an [elliptic curve](elliptic%20curve.md), $$\pi_1^\et(E) = TE \da \cocolim_{n\in \ZZ_{\geq 0}} E[n]$$ where $\ZZ_{\geq 0}$ is ordered by divisibility. - 1If $X \rightarrow \operatorname{Spec}(k)$ is an elliptic curve with identity $\mathcal{O}: \operatorname{Spec}(k) \rightarrow X$ and $\operatorname{char}(k)=0$, then $\pi_1 X_{\kbar} \cong \hat{\ZZ}\sumpower{2}$ - $\pi_1 X = \prod_{m\in \spec A} \hat{\ZZ}$ if $A$ is a finite ring. - $\pi_1 \spec k = \Gal(k^\sep/k)$. - $\pi_1 \spec \ZZ\invert{n} = \Gal(\QQ^{\unram, n}/ \QQ)$ where $\QQ^{\unram, n}$ is the maximal extension of $\QQ$ [unramified](unramified.md) away from $n$. - $\pi_1 X = \mathrm{Prof}(\pi_1 X(\CC))$, the profinite completion of the usual fundamental group when $X$ is a [finite type](finite%20type.md) scheme over $\CC$. - $\pi_1 X = \mathrm{Prof}(\Free_2)$ for $X = \PP^1\CC\smts{0,1,\infty}$. - $\pi_1 X$ for $X=\PP^1\slice{\QQ}\smts{0,1,\infty}$ is unknown but fits into a SES $$1\to \mathrm{Prof}(\Free_2) \to \pi_1 \PP^1\slice{\QQ}\smts{0,1,\infty} \to \Gal(\QQbar/\QQ) \to 1$$ # General properties - $\pi_1 \spec k = \pi_1 \PP^1\slice k$ for $k$ any field.