--- created: 2022-02-23T18:45 updated: 2024-01-01T23:13 title: Mirror Symmetry aliases: - Mirror Symmetry --- --- - Tags - #todo/untagged - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [Fukaya category](Unsorted/Fukaya%20category.md) - [derived category of coherent sheaves](derived%20category%20of%20coherent%20sheaves) - [Hodge theory MOC](Unsorted/Hodge%20theory%20MOC.md) - [Calabi-Yau](Unsorted/Calabi-Yau.md), [kahler](Unsorted/Kahler.md), - [Gromov-Witten invariants](Gromov-Witten%20invariants) - [symplectic geometry](MOCs/symplectic%20geometry.md) - [SYZ](Unsorted/SYZ%20torus%20fibration.md) - [triangulated category](triangulated%20category) - [Gorenstein](Gorenstein) - [del Pezzo](del%20Pezzo) - [Log geometry](Unsorted/Log%20geometry.md) - [exceptional collection](exceptional%20collection) - [McKay correspondence](McKay%20correspondence.md) - [Fano](Unsorted/Fano%20variety.md) - [Landau Ginzberg](Unsorted/Landau%20Ginzberg.md) - [vanishing cycles](Unsorted/vanishing%20cycles.md) - [del Pezzo](Unsorted/del%20Pezzo.md) - [exceptional collection](exceptional%20collection) - [[invertible polynomial]] - [dual complex](dual%20complex.md) - [[holomorphic symplectic variety]] --- # Mirror Symmetry Gromov witten = closed string part Fukaya categories = open string part. - $\PP^1 \mapstofrom (\cstar, W = x_1 + x_2\inv)$. - $\PP^2\mapstofrom ((\cstar)\cartpower{2}, W = x_1 + x_2 + x_1\inv x_2\inv)$. ![](2023-06-07-1.png) ![](2023-06-15.png) ![](2023-06-07-4.png) - **A Side: Symplectic**: $\D\Fuk(\hat{X})$ for $\hat{X}$ symplectic, - Boundary conditions: Lagrangian submanifolds with brane structures - Numbers: Counts of rational curves - **B Side: Complex**: $\dbcoh(X)$ for $X$ smooth projective. - Boundary conditions: holomorphic subvarieties equipped with holomorphic vector bundles. - Numbers: Taylor coefficients of periods of Hodge structures on $\hat{X}$, regarded as functionals on the moduli of complex structures on $\hat{X}$. Main approaches: - [SYZ](SYZ%20torus%20fibration.md) - Related to [Hitchin systems](Hitchin%20fibration) and [Langlands duality](root%20system.md). - [[Gross-Siebert]] - [[Kontsevich-Soibelman]]. - [HMS](homological%20mirror%20symmetry.md) - [Gromov-Witten](Gromov-Witten%20invariants.md) - [Specific predictions for quintic threefolds](https://arxiv.org/pdf/alg-geom/9411018.pdf#page=4&zoom=160,-136,725) ![](2023-04-02-12.png) Idea: degenerate $X$ a CY to $\mcx_0$ an SNC CY with [[coregularity]] 0 ([maximally unipotent](unipotent.md) degeneration). ![](attachments/2023-03-31-71.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-72.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-73.png) Slogan: the symplectic geometry of a Calabi-Yau should have "the same" enmerative invariants as those in the complex-analytic geometry of its mirror. The homological mirror symmetry conjecture predicts a correspondence between the derived category of coherent sheaves of a variety and the symplectic data (packaged in the Fukaya category) of its mirror object. ![](attachments/2023-03-31-74.png) # Lagrangian submanifolds For $X$ a [Calabi-Yau](Unsorted/Calabi-Yau.md) - A-side: the Fukaya category of $X$ corresponds to $A\dash$branes on $X$, so roughly [Lagrangian](Lagrangian) submanifolds equipped with a [flat bundle](Unsorted/flat%20bundle.md). - B-side: [DCoh](DCoh) of $X$ corresponds to $B\dash$branes on $X$. ![](attachments/2023-03-31-75.png) Other field theories replace $X$ with a [Fano](Unsorted/Fano%20variety.md). # For Fanos ![](attachments/2023-03-31-76.png) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-77.png) Importance of [toric](Unsorted/toric.md) structure: ![](attachments/2023-03-31-78.png) # Examples Showing an congruence of [Weil zeta functions](Weil%20zeta%20function) for a [K3](K3%20surfaces.md) ![](attachments/2023-03-31-79.png)