--- date: 2022-02-23 18:45 modification date: Sunday 3rd April 2022 17:37:16 title: "vector bundles" aliases: [vector bundle, bundle] --- Last modified date: <%+ tp.file.last_modified_date() %> --- - Tags - #homotopy/bundles - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [fiber bundle](Unsorted/fibration.md) - [torsor](Unsorted/torsor.md) - [constructing BU_n](constructing%20BU_n.md) - [Unsorted/vertical and horizontal subspace](Unsorted/vertical%20and%20horizontal%20subspace.md) - [Integration along the fiber](Unsorted/Integration%20along%20the%20fiber.md) - [nonabelian Hodge correspondence](Unsorted/nonabelian%20Hodge%20correspondence.md) - [[parabolic bundle]] - [[Atiyah bundle]] - [isomonodromic deformation](Unsorted/isomonodromic%20deformation.md) - [Higgs bundle](Unsorted/Higgs%20bundle.md) --- # vector bundle ## Definitions - Notation: $\Vect_r(X)$: isomorphism classes of rank $r$ vector bundles over $X$. :::{.definition title="Rank of a vector bundle"} A **rank $n$ vector bundle** is a ??? ??? of such a bundle is a subset of $/GL(n, k)$. ::: > Note every rank 1 bundle is trivial: consider the Mobius strip. :::{.remark} Note that a vector bundle always has one [section](section) : namely, since every fiber is a vector space, you can canonically choose the 0 element in every fiber. This yields [global section](global%20section), the [zero section](zero%20%20section). ::: :::{.definition title="Trivial bundle"} A vector bundle $F\to E\to B$ is **trivial** if $E \cong F \cross B$. ::: See also [framed](framed.md) manifolds. :::{.proposition title="Trivial iff linearly independent sections"} A rank $n$ vector bundle is trivial iff it admits $k$ linearly independent global sections. ::: :::{.example title="?"} The [tangent bundle](tangent%20bundle.md) of a manifold is a vector bundle. Let $M^n$ be an $n\dash$dimensional manifold. For any point $x\in M$, the tangent bundle $\T_xM$ exists, and so we can define $$ TM = \coprod_{x\in M} \T_xM = \theset{(x, t) \mid x\in M, t \in \T_xM} $$ Then $TM$ is a manifold of dimension $2n$ and there is a corresponding fiber bundle $$ \RR^n \to TM \mapsvia{\pi} M $$ given by a natural projection $\pi:(x, t) \mapsto x$ ::: :::{.example title="?"} A circle bundle is a [fiber bundle](fiber%20%20bundle) in which the fiber is isomorphic to $S^1$ as a topological group. Consider circle bundles over a circle, which are of the form $$ S^1 \to E \mapsvia{\pi} S^1 $$ There is a trivial bundle, when $E = S^1 \cross S^1 = T^2$, the torus: ![attachments/torus-bundle 1.png](attachments/torus-bundle%201.png) There is also a nontrivial bundle, $E = K$, the Klein bottle: ![klein-bottle.png](attachments/klein-bottle.png) As in the earlier example involving the [orientable](orientable.md), $T^2 \not\cong K$ and there are thus at least two distinct bundles of this type. ::: # Classification - There is an equivalence of categories between vector bundles and modules over continuous functionals: $$ \Bun(\RR, X)_{\rk = n} \mapsvia{\sim} \modsleft{\Top(X, \RR)}^{\fg, \proj}_{\rk = n} .$$ - A vector bundle continuously assigns a vector space to every point of $X$. - The $k\dash$dimensional vector bundles over $X$ are equivalent to the homotopy classes of maps from $X$ to a fixed space $[X, \B O_k]$. - Dimension or rank??? - As with many geometric problems, classification of isomorphism classes of $k\dash$dimensional vector bundles is reduced to the computation of homotopy classes of maps. - Studying $\B\O_k$ is very useful for this problem, it comes about by a standard construction which builds a [classifying space](classifying%20space.md), $\B G$, for any group $G$. - Complex rank 1 bundles are classified by $\CP^\infty \homotopic \B \U_1(\CC) \homotopic K(\ZZ, 2)$. - Universal complex vector bundle: $\xi_{n}: E_n \rightarrow \B \U_n(\CC)$ where $\B \U_n \cong \Gr_n(\CC^\infty)$ is a [Grassmannian](Grassmannian.md). Todo: clean up and make precise! #todo # Unsorted ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020210613122600.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020210613122600.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020210613122620.png) # Constructions ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220403173520.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020210613122630.png) ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020210613122725.png) - $E\dual \tensor F \cong \Hom(E, F)$. Exact sequences of vector bundles always split: ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220403173715.png) # Exercises ![](attachments/Pasted%20image%2020220403173615.png)