--- date: 2022-12-30 17:06 modification date: Friday 30th December 2022 17:06:18 title: "zeta functions" aliases: [zeta functions] --- Last modified date: NaN --- - Tags: - #todo/untagged - Refs: - #todo/add-references - Links: - [[motivic measure]] --- # zeta functions ![2023-01-09-11](attachments/2023-01-09-11.png) ![2023-01-09-12](attachments/2023-01-09-12.png) ![](attachments/2023-02-10-zta1.png) ## Euler Product Expansion - Euler products for scheme-theoretic zetas appearing in the [Weil Conjectures](Unsorted/Weil%20Conjectures.md): - $$\begin{align}\log\zeta_X(t) &= \sum_{r\geq 1}\size X(\FF_{q^r}) \, {t^r\over r} \\&= \sum_{x\in \abs{X}} \qty{\sum_{r\geq 1} {t^{r\cdot \deg(x)} \over r}} \\ &= -\sum_{x\in \abs{X}}\log(1-t^{\deg(x)}) \\ \implies \zeta_X(t) &= \prod_{x\in \abs{X}} \qty{1-t^{\deg x}} \inv\quad\underset{t\da q^{-s}}\leadsto\quad \prod_{x\in \abs X}(1-\Norm(x)^{-s})\inv\end{align}$$ - Here $\Norm(x) = \size\qty{\OO_{X, x}/\mfm_x}$ is the size of the finite residue field and $\abs{X}$ is the set of closed points. Note each $x$ yields $\deg(x)$ many $L\dash$rational points for $L\da \FF_q^{\deg(x)}$. - $X\da \spec \ZZ$ recovers Riemann zeta. # Motivic ![](attachments/2023-02-10-mmotiviczeta.png)