--- - CiteKey: BHPV04 - Type: book - Title: Compact complex surfaces, - Author: Barth, Wolf P.; Hulek, Klaus; Peters, Chris A. M.; Ven, Antonius; - Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, - Year: 2004 --- # Compact complex surfaces ## Meta - **URL**: - **URI**: - **Local File**: [Barth et al. - 2004 - Compact complex surfaces.pdf](file:///home/zack/Downloads/Zotero_Source/Springer%20Berlin%20Heidelberg/2004/Barth%20et%20al.%20-%202004%20-%20Compact%20complex%20surfaces.pdf) - **Open in Zotero**: [Zotero](zotero://select/library/items/HTKHVUZU) # Questions - [ ] What is the length of a sheaf? - [ ] What is a rational singularity? - [ ] What is Artin's criterion? - [x] What is a minimal surface? ✅ 2024-03-31 - [ ] Contains no $(-1)\dash$curves. - [ ] Equivalently, $X$ is minimal if any birational morphism $X\to Y$ with $Y$ smooth is an isomorphism. - [x] How do contractions affect betti numbers? ✅ 2024-03-31 - [ ] Blowing down a $(-1)\dash$curve decreases $\beta_2$ by one. - [x] How can one promote a birational map $f:X\to Y$ to a morphism? An isomorphism? ✅ 2024-03-31 - [ ] Morphism if $K_Y$ is nef - [ ] Isomorphism if additionally $K_X$ is nef. - [ ] ## Abstract ---- ## Extracted Annotations