--- - CiteKey: "Cam17" - Type: report - Title: "The K-Theory Spectrum of Varieties," - Author: "Campbell, Jonathan A.;" - Publisher: "arXiv," - Year: 2017 - Collections: "Syllabus; Talbot 2022," - Keywords: "Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry"; "Mathematics - Algebraic Topology"; "Mathematics - K-Theory and Homology" --- # The K-Theory Spectrum of Varieties ## Meta - **URL**: - **URI**: - **Local File**: [arXiv.org Snapshot](file:///home/zack/Zotero/storage/3WQ9HRVP/1505.html); [Campbell - 2017 - The K-Theory Spectrum of Varieties.pdf](file:///home/zack/Zotero/storage/558MZ2CF/Campbell%20-%202017%20-%20The%20K-Theory%20Spectrum%20of%20Varieties.pdf) - **Open in Zotero**: [Zotero](zotero://select/library/items/P4RTGA3V) ## Abstract Using a construction closely related to Waldhausen's $S_\bullet$-construction, we produce a spectrum $K(\mathbf{Var}_{/k})$ whose components model the Grothendieck ring of varieties (over a field $k$) $K_0 (\mathbf{Var}_{/k})$. We then produce liftings of various motivic measures to spectrum-level maps, including maps into Waldhausen's $K$-theory of spaces $A(\ast)$ and to $K(\mathbf{Q})$. We end with a conjecture relating $K(\mathbf{Var}_{/k})$ and the doubly-iterated $K$-theory of the sphere spectrum. ---- ## Extracted Annotations