--- - CiteKey: "DPS88" - Type: journalArticle - Title: "Homology of classical Lie groups made discrete. II. H2, H3, and relations with scissors congruences," - Author: "Dupont, Johan L; Parry, Walter; Sah, Chih-Han;" - Year: 1988 - DOI: 10.1016/0021-8693(88)90191-3 - Collections: "Syllabus; Talbot 2022," --- # Homology of classical Lie groups made discrete. II. H2, H3, and relations with scissors congruences ## Meta - **URL**: - **URI**: - **Local File**: [Dupont et al. - 1988 - Homology of classical Lie groups made discrete. II.pdf](file:///home/zack/Zotero/storage/GGFR2465/Dupont%20et%20al.%20-%201988%20-%20Homology%20of%20classical%20Lie%20groups%20made%20discrete.%20II.pdf) - **Open in Zotero**: [Zotero](zotero://select/library/items/CXS7U9JH) ## Abstract ---- ## Extracted Annotations