\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1] \node[draw,circle,minimum size=12cm,inner sep=0pt, label={[xshift=-0cm, yshift=-0.0cm, scale=2.0] $\PP^3$ }] at (320,150) {}; %\draw [red] plot [smooth] coordinates {(-2,-2) (1,1) (0, 2) (-1, 1) (1, -1) (2,2) }; \draw[very thick, blue] (-50,400) -- (-50,100); \draw[thick] (-50-20,400) -- (-50+20,400); \draw[thick] (-50-20,100) -- (-50+20,100); \node[scale=2.0] at (-25, 100-20) {$\PP^1$}; \draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 255 } ][line width=2] [line join = round][line cap = round] (152.5,225) .. controls (170,225) and (185,215) .. (201,208) .. controls (243,189) and (283,170) .. (313,135) .. controls (326,120) and (355,84) .. (350,62) .. controls (342,34) and (318,33) .. (287,42) .. controls (255,65) and (255,72) .. (254,76) .. controls (251,90) and (245,100) .. (251,115) .. controls (253,124) and (264,128) .. (270,135) ; \draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 255 } ][line width=2] [line join = round][line cap = round] (339.5,151) .. controls (382.37,151) and (419.21,130.75) .. (452.5,104) .. controls (467.73,91.76) and (491.83,72.67) .. (503.5,54) ; \draw [thick, right hook-latex ] (-50+20, 200) -- (150, 200); \node[scale=2.0] at (50, 180) {$\iota$}; \node[scale=2.0] at (350, 180) {$C$}; \end{tikzpicture}