\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ hide axis, xmin=-12, xmax=18, ymin=-4, ymax=10, xtick = {0}, ytick = {0}, disabledatascaling] \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:-10.0, 9) -- (axis cs:-10, -0); \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:-14.0, 0) -- (axis cs:-6, -0); \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:0.0, 9) -- (axis cs:-0, -0); \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:-4.0, 0) -- (axis cs:4, -0); \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:10.0, 9) -- (axis cs: 10, -0); \draw[-][black][opacity=1] (axis cs:6.0, 0) -- (axis cs:14, -0); \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](left1) at (axis cs:-10, 6) [anchor=center] {}; \node[right=1mm of left1,font=\tiny] {$(\eps+ x - 1)$}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](center1) at (axis cs:0, 6) [anchor=center] {}; \node[right=1mm of center1,font=\tiny] {$(x)(\eps, x-1)$}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](right1) at (axis cs:10, 6) [anchor=center] {}; \node[right=1mm of right1,font=\tiny] {$(x(x-1), \eps)$}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](left2) at (axis cs:-10, 3) [anchor=center] {}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](center2) at (axis cs:0, 3) [anchor=center] {}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](right2) at (axis cs:10, 3) [anchor=center] {}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](left3) at (axis cs:-10, 0) [anchor=center] {}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](center3) at (axis cs:0, 0) [anchor=center] {}; \node[draw, circle, blue, scale=0.4, fill=blue](right3) at (axis cs:10, 0) [anchor=center] {}; \draw[-][blue, very thick][opacity=0.9] (axis cs:-10.0, 6) -- (axis cs:-7, 9); \draw[-][blue, very thick][opacity=0.9] (axis cs:-10.0, 3) -- (axis cs:-7, 3); \draw[-][blue, very thick][opacity=0.9] (axis cs:0, 3) -- (axis cs:3, 3); \draw[-][blue, very thick][opacity=0.9] (axis cs:0, 0) -- (axis cs:3, 0); \draw[-][blue, very thick][opacity=0.9] (axis cs:10, 0) -- (axis cs:13, 0); \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}