\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{mathpazo} %Load palatino font & pazo math \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz-3dplot} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, cd, fadings, patterns} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage[inline]{asymptote} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{dsfont} \usepackage{booktabs} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.shapes} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.14} \tikzfading[name=fade out, inner color=transparent!0, outer color=transparent!100] \begin{document} % Coffee cup with map out %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\textwidth/5cm,samples=200] % Handle \begin{scope}[shift=(10:7/8), rotate=-30, yslant=1/2, xslant=-1/8] \shade [top color=gray!80, bottom color=gray!30] (0,0) arc (130:-100:3/8 and 1/2) -- ++(0,1/4) arc (-100:130:1/8 and 1/4) -- cycle; \shade [top color=gray!10, bottom color=gray!60] (0,0) arc (130:-100:3/8 and 1/2) -- ++(0,1/32) arc (-100:130:1/4 and 1/3) -- cycle; \end{scope} % Cup \fill [black!75, path fading=fade out] (0,-1) ellipse [x radius=3/4, y radius=1/2]; \shade [left color=gray!60, right color=gray!30] (-1,0) arc (180:360:1 and 5/4); \shade [bottom color=gray, top color=gray!30, opacity=1/2] (-1,0) arc (180:360:1 and 5/4); \shade [left color=gray!20, right color=gray!40] (0,0) ellipse [x radius=1, y radius=1/2]; \shade [left color=gray!40, right color=gray!20] (0,0) ellipse [x radius=1-1/16, y radius=1/2-1/16]; \shade [bottom color=gray, top color=gray!10, opacity=1/2] (0,0) ellipse [x radius=1-1/16, y radius=1/2-1/16]; % Coffee Cup Label \draw (0,-1.7) node {$X = $ A Coffee Cup}; % Arrow for map \draw[-{Latex[length=3mm,width=3mm]}] (1.5, -.5) .. controls (2, -1) and (2.5, .5) ..(4.2, -.5); % Label for arrow \draw (3.0,0) node {$f: X \to Y$}; \end{tikzpicture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Torus in R3 % todo: doesn't work %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{asy} size(400); import graph3; currentprojection=perspective(5,4,4); real R=3; real a=1; triple fs(pair t) { return ((R+a*Cos(t.y))*Cos(t.x),(R+a*Cos(t.y))*Sin(t.x),a*Sin(t.y)); }; surface s=surface(fs,(0,180),(360,360),8,8,Spline); draw(s,surfacepen=material(blue+opacity(0.6), emissivepen=0.2*white),render(compression=Low,merge=true)); xaxis3(Label("$x$",1),xmin=0,xmax=7,Arrow3); yaxis3(Label("$y$",1),ymin=0,ymax=7,Arrow3); zaxis3(Label("$z$",1),zmin=0,zmax=4,Arrow3); label("$Y = $ A Torus", (0,-40), p = fontsize(30pt)); \end{asy} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Sphere vs. Ball for Low Dimensions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\textwidth/35cm,samples=200] \draw (-7,0)[fill=red] circle (.4mm); \draw (-6,0)[fill=red] circle (.4mm); \draw (-6.5,-1.3) node {$S^0$}; \draw[red] (-3,0) circle (1cm); \draw (-3,-1.3) node {$S^1$}; \draw[red] (-1,0) arc (180:360:1cm and 0.5cm); \draw[dashed, red] (-1,0) arc (180:0:1cm and 0.5cm); \draw[red] (0,1) arc (90:270:0.5cm and 1cm); \draw[dashed, red] (0,1) arc (90:-90:0.5cm and 1cm); \draw[red] (0,0) circle (1cm); \shade[ball color=blue!10!white,opacity=0.20] (0,0) circle (1cm); \draw (0,-1.3) node {$S^2$}; \end{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\textwidth/35cm,samples=200] \draw[thick, blue] (-7,0) -- (-6,0); \draw[fill=red](-6,0) circle (.4mm); \draw[fill=red](-7,0) circle (.4mm); \draw (-6.5,-1.3) node {$B^0$}; %\shade[ball color=blue!100!white] (-3,0) circle (1cm); \draw[pattern=horizontal lines, pattern color=blue] (-3,0) circle (1cm); \draw[red] (-3,0) circle (1cm); \draw (-3,-1.3) node {$B^1$}; \shade[ball color=blue!100!white,opacity=0.90] (0,0) circle (1cm); \draw[red] (0,0) circle (1cm); \draw[red] (-1,0) arc (180:360:1cm and 0.5cm); \draw[red] (0,1) arc (90:270:0.5cm and 1cm); \draw (0,-1.3) node {$B^2$}; \end{tikzpicture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}