See my talks page.
- 11/2021: Invited Participant, MSRI Chern-Simons and Other Topological Field Theories.
- 07/2021: Participant, IAS/PCMI Graduate Summer School on Motivic Homotopy.
06/2021: Participant/Note-Taker, MIT Talbot Workshop: Viva Talbot!.
Jeremy Hahn, “Methods and Mysteries in the Construction of Ring Spectra” Notes (PDF)
Tasos Mouliunos, “Perspectives of Nonabelian Hodge Theory” Notes (PDF)
- 09/2019: Participant, Mid-Atlantic Topology Seminar
- A Twitter thread overview of the talks/topics.
05/2019: Participant, Georgia Topology Conference
05/2019: Participant, Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology (Temple University)
04/2019: Participant, Redbud Topology Conference (University of Oklahoma)
- 04/2019: Participant, Geometry Festival (University of Maryland)
- 03/2019: Participant, Arizona Winter School 2019: Topology and Arithmetic (University of Arizona)
- 01/2019: Participant, Complex Algebraic Geometry Conference (University of California, San Diego)
06/2018: Participant, Witt Vectors, Deformations, and Absolute Geometry Conference (University of Vermont)
- 03/2018: Participant, Latinx in the Mathematical Science Conference) (IPAM)
- Mentor, Directed Reading Program at UGA:
- Fall 2021: Mentor, Directed Reading Program at UGA. (Topic: Diophantine geometry, introductory algebraic number theory)
- Summer 2021: Mentor, Directed Reading Program at UGA. (Topic: $L\dash$functions, complex analysis, the prime number theorem)
- Conference and Seminar Co-Organization:
- Fall 2021: Co-Organizer, UGA Graduate Student Seminar.
- Summer 2021: Organizer, GOSS (Graduate Online Seminar Series).
- Summer 2021: Co-Organizer, Mock AMS. (UGA)
- Summer 2020: Co-Organizer, Graduate Online Anything Topology and Geometry Series with Sarah Blackwell
Summer 2021: Organizer, Qualifying exam review sessions at UGA (Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Algebraic Topology).
Spring 2021: Organizer, Qualifying exam review sessions (Algebra and Real Analysis. UGA)
- 2017 – 2018: President, The Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students (UCSD)
- Spring 2022: Instructor of Record, Calculus I for Science and Engineering (UGA Math 2250) (UGA, 1 section)
- Fall 2021: Instructor of Record, Calculus I for Science and Engineering (UGA Math 2250) (UGA, 1 section)
- Spring 2021: Instructor of Record, Math 1113 (PreCalculus) (UGA, 2 sections)
- Fall 2020: Instructor of Record, Math 1113 (PreCalculus) (UGA, 1 section)
Fall 2020: Grader, Math 4100/6100 (Sequences and Series, UGA).
- Spring 2020: Grader
- Fall 2019: Recitation Leader, Calculus I (Math 2200) (UGA)
- Fall 2019 – Fall 2021: Drop-in tutoring (UGA)
- Characteristic Classes with Akram Alishahi
- Schemes with Phil Engel
- Rational Points with Daniel Litt
- Flag Varieties, Equivariant Cohomology, and $K\dash$theory with Scott Larson
- Additive Combinatorics with Akos Magyar
- Stochastic Processes
- Modular Forms minicourse with Akos Magyar.
- Homological Algebra with Brian Boe.
- Content: see course notes
- 4-Manifolds with Philip Engel
- Content: see course notes
- Floer Homology with Akram Alishahi
- Content: see course notes
- Algebraic Number Theory with Paul Pollack
- Content: see course notes
- Commutative Algebra with Pete Clark
- Content: Pete’s Notes See course notes
- Category $\mathcal{O}$ with Brian Boe
- Content: Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras. See course notes
- Complex Analysis with Jingzhi Tie
- Content: Stein and Shakarchi See course notes
- Moduli Spaces with Ben Bakker.
- Content: see course website and course notes
- Elliptic Curves with Pete Clark
- Content: see course notes
- Morse Theory with Akram Alishahi (Partial course)
- Content: see course notes
- Link Invariants, Categorification and Algebraic Geometry with Arik Wilbert
- Content: See course notes
- Lee’s Introduction to Smooth Manifolds with Mike Usher (Reading Course)
- Content: See reading notes
- Fourier Analysis and Number Theory with Brandon Hanson
- Algebraic Curves with Pete Clark
- Content: H. Stichtenoth, “Algebraic function fields and codes”. See course notes
- Algebraic Geometry with Philip Engel
- Content: Gathmann. See course notes
- Algebraic Groups with Dan Nakano
- Content: See course notes
- Smooth Manifolds with David Gay
- Algebra with Daniel Nakano (1 Semester)
- Content: Hungerford. See course notes
- Real Analysis with Neil Lyall (1 Semester)
- Content: Stein and Shakarchi See course notes
- Lie Algebras with Chun-Ju Lai
- Content: Humphreys “Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory”. See course notes
- Differential Topology with Weiwei Wu
- Content: Lee, Bott and Tu
- Algebraic Topology with Justin Roberts (1 year)
- Content: Hatcher Ch.1-4
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians with Todd Kemp (1 semester)
- Functional Analysis with Todd Kemp (1 year)
- Content: Conway Ch. 1,2,3,6,7,10.
Undergraduate (Quarter System)
Numerical Methods and Physical Modeling
Image Processing
Applied Linear Algebra
Partial Differential Equations
Computer Vision
Complex Analysis
- History of Mathematics
- Content: Hyperbolic Geometry
- Theory of Computation
- Content: Sipser
Introductory Machine Learning
- Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Number Theory
Advanced Data Structures
Knot Theory
- Abstract Algebra (1 Year)
- Content: Beachy and Blair “Abstract Algebra”
- Real Analysis (1 Year)
- Content: Rudin, “Principles of Mathematical Analysis”
- Point-Set Topology
- Content: Munkres, Topology
Mathematical Algorithms and Systems Analysis in Computer Science
- Probability
- Content: “Elementary Probability for Applications”, Rick Durrett
Software Tools and Techniques
- Combinatorics
- Content: Bona, A Walk Through Combinatorics
Mathematical Reasoning and Proof
Vector Calculus
Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems (UC Berkeley)
Assembly Programming (x86)
C++ Programming
- Finite Mathematics and Linear Programming
2014 and Earlier
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (UC Berkeley)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Python)
Elementary Statistics
Introduction to Unix
Discrete Mathematics
Electrical Circuit Theory
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
General Chemistry
Physics: Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Optics, and Waves
Calculus: Single and Multivariable
Data Structures
Systems Programming with C
Discrete Structures in Computer Science
Object-Oriented Programming